"Mm... you look beautiful like this, trembling and whining in such a lewd state baby" Jungkook husked, his own cock straining against his zipper in desperate need for release. But he refused to pay himself any attention, not before he got his sexy little vixen to enter his throws of passion and completion.

The sight of Jimin alone had his muscles tensed to capacity. How erotically enticing he looked making Jungkook question his existence. His own blood surged through his veins with the effort to not claim his boy, to not bend him over any surface and drill deep inside his delectable body.


Jimin threw his head back, panting for air as he felt the all too familiar tingle spark through his spine and pool in his groin, his toes curling at the delicious licks that assaulted his sensitised skin.

No matter how many times he attempted to open his mouth to utter a word of coherence, his throat would lock and only release high pitched moans, which unbeknown to him, were the sweetest yet most alluring sounds Jungkook's ever had the pleasure of hearing.

His cock jerked in Jungkook's palm, the telltale signs of his climax weaving its way through his skin more than apparent. Not to mention the tight, almost painful grip Jungkook had on his cock. Yet even that slight pain was overruled by the euphoric sensations coursing through his blood.

"Come, come for me baby" Jungkook grunted against his lips, his hot breathe fanning against Jimin's skin.

And just like that, Jimins member erupted all over Jungkook's hand, his body convulsing and twitching uncontrollably as a silent scream broke past his lips. His fingers curled into Jungkook's shoulders, his thighs locking tightly in place as he rode out his high.

His breath escaped as heavy pants passed his lips, his eyes fluttering shut as he attempted to grasp his bearings on his short circuited brain. His body shivered with the after affects of his release, going lax against the wall as he momentarily lost feeling over his limbs.

Jungkook brought his cum coated hand up to his lips, tasting his mans essence and savoury its salty yet sweet taste. Jimin moaned at the sight, his eyes following the motion of that tongue as it licked and lapped at his cum.

He reached his hand out and pulled Jungkook in by the neck, before capturing Jungkook's lips in a searing kiss. He could taste himself as he sucked on his mans tongue, the thought alone making his chest warm yet his stomach twist in heat.

"Mmm..." Jungkook groaned against his lips, licking his full bottom lip and nibbling it for his own pleasure "You ok, baby?"

"Y-yes...." Jimin replied breathlessly "You're still hard, let me-

"No baby I'm good, this was just for you. And plus, seeing you losing yourself like that was more than enough for me" Jungkook winked, tucking Jimin back into his jeans before setting him on the floor.

Jimin covered his face with his hands, attempting to hide his full body blush that cascaded along his skin "Imma take a shower... you can use the other shower in my parents bedroom if you'd like?...."

"Yeah, I think I will. I'm surprised that Ji hadn't woken up with all the noise" He teased


Jungkook chuckled, placing a kiss on Jimin's forehead "I'm kidding baby. It was hot as fuck though" he admitted, stealing another kiss from Jimin's succulent lips before making his way to the bathroom.


After his shower, Jungkook threw on his pair of sweats and shirt along with a towel that he wrapped around his neck, after briefly ruffling it through his hair.

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