Hazamada's Surface

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He didn't consider your words as he threw the bag to the floor, and he started clearing the locker. He took out the comic books with the tennis racket. He set them on the ground while you grabbed a few more of his items. You set them down neatly, and when you looked in the locker, your eyes caught the same things Josuke's eyes were stuck on.

   " What is this piece of wood? " Josuke asked as he grabbed it.

   " That's an arm to what looks like a big mannequin. " You said.

You took the blanket off of the entire wooden figure and showed the huge wooden doll. Josuke let go of the doll, but something strange started to happen. The doll's hand started to shift and become s real hand. The wood color and grain were fading away as fingers appeared, and it took on skin color. Josuke put his arm in front of you as he backed up from the locker, pulling you with him. When the doll was done shifting, it turned into Josuke, but it was smiling at us.

   " This proves it. He has a stand and he did kill that guy yesterday. That's just great. And his stand turned into me, what a cheeky move pal."

   " The manga, Perman, you know it? "

   " It sounds just like you, Josuke. " You said, staring at the doll.

   " If you read Perman you would know there's a copy robot in it. It's handy don't you think? Bet you wish you had one right about now. " The copy said.

   " Hey, guys, what's this guy talking about? Who's this perman guy?" Josuke asked, looking at you and Koichi.

   " You're telling me you haven't read Perman? How's that even possible? Are you sure you're Japanese? " The copy sneered at Josuke.

   " That's enough, I'll be asking the questions around here. "

The copycat raised his hand, and Josuke did the same action, but it looked like he was struggling to put his arm down.

   " He's. . .got my arm? "

   " Josuke! "

   " However, I must give you a fair warning my mannequin is one you won't want to have around. " 

The copy lowered his arm, and Josuke copied the same action. He dug his fingers into the skin on his cheek, causing Josuke to copy the action against his will.

   " Once the mannequin copies a person, the person will make the same movements that the mannequin does. Which means, it's really not a puppet, it's actually a puppet master! " 

The copy slammed his elbow into a locker, crushing it, and Josuke copied the same action with his arm, but it was heading for Koichi's face instead of a locker.

   " K-Koichi. Watch out! "

You slid Koichi out of the way and stood in front of Josuke, summoning your stand. Your stand, who you named Shining Knight, stood in front of you with their shield deflecting Josuke's elbow. The force behind the hit to your shield made your stand's feet falter a little, but not to the point he would fall back.

   " Would you look at that? Little miss Y/n has a stand as well. "

Josuke's elbow moved off of the shield, and your stand faded away. The copycat charged at Koichi, planning to punch him, and your stand went to deflect the punch, but you were knocked off your feet and thrown through the door leading into the room of lockers. You coughed up blood and felt disoriented. You glanced back into the room to see what happened, and you saw your stand still deflecting Koichi, but the copycat had raised his arm and punched Koichi, making Josuke copy the same action, but to you.

I Will Protect You (Josuke x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora