I could here little droplets of the blood from her head fall and land on the leaves as we continued to walk.

Sally Maryam Williams was her name.

In 1970, this same little girl was dumped here by her uncle, who did truly disgusting things to her before shooting her in the back of the head and leaving her body on the leaf covered floor.

The woods dead brown leaves had been painted in her warm blood and when the cops found her corpse three days later, it had already been decomposing and was covered in bugs.

But her facial expression was still the same, fear and sadness was what had been painted on as her last moments before that bullet flew through her skull and froze that expression forever.

The cops broke the news to her mother about her dead child, along with evidence it had been none other than her brother, Sally's uncle who raped and murdered her in those woods.

They would've arrested him, if it weren't for the grown man going missing a day after Sally went missing.

They later found his corpse- or I mean, corpse pieces? Strung across the trees a few miles away from Sally's death bed.

They had a funeral for Sally and that seemed to be the end of it.

Until people started to walk into the woods at night and never walk out of it.

Stories started going around and after one month she became the towns legend.

Her existence became the stories parents told their kids so they wouldn't venture off beyond those trees, especially at night.

As I stare down at the poor, once innocent girl holding my hand, I can't help but feel sorry for her.

She's chatting away about the things she had done yesterday and how excited she is to show her new teddy bear to her mom.

The only issue is that her yesterday was over fifty one years ago and the bear she held was now coated in dried blood and dirt with its arm and eye missing.

Stuffing would fall out of its missing arms socket every now and then as we trotted towards the edge of the forest.

She seems like a truly nice child, but I know that once we reach the trees near the outside of the forest, she'll turn into a blood thirsty monster that will try to rip me to shreds.

"My uncle bought me this bear, his name is Charlie!" She exclaimed, proudly holding her other hand up with the damaged teddy bear in it.

I glanced at the old bear before looking back up as the moon started to peak through the leaves.

We're almost there.

"Hey Ms?" I hadn't realized I was ignoring her until she tugged on my arm a bit, my eyes flickering down to her own in alert as she stared up ahead.

Adrenaline filled my veins as a clear opening came into view, showing that with just a few more steps, we would be out of the dark woods.

My eyes turned towards the little girl holding my hand, her head was staring at the opening with an unreadable expression.

I let go of her hand and reach into my pocket, as soon as my fingers wrapped around the handle of my knife her head slowly turned to me.

Anger flashed over her expression and she lunged at me, I moved out of the way and struck, my knife digging into her wrist and cutting her seemingly fragile hand clean off.

She stared at her hand on the floor, black mist seeped from the cut where blood should be coming out, the hand slowly dissolving into nothingness along with her bear.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now