Crow x Hunter (Bad guy, but not evil)

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Neptune (plutos ghost) POV
At 4 am i woke up. This was normal. Waking up in Crows room was strange, at this point though, im used to it. My light turned on and my metophorical heart sank when Crow was alone in his bed. Where was pluto? Why did he leave? Is he okay? I flew around the room and found him nowhere. It felt like i was alone again. I cant bear that feeling. I flew into the bathroom he wasnt there either. Checked under the bed, the kitchen, hallways even Osiris and Saints bedroom!
A small hope was crushed when i flew back into crows room and he still wasnt there. I feel a sadness as i remember the shore. How he would do anything for glimmer. He would leave me with this sister, hed come back in the middle of the night, either injured or drunk out of his mind. The next morning wouldnt be fun either. Usually Sirius would yell at him, he would cry. I wanted him to stop, but i wanted to comfort him. I settle back on the nightstand. Him and Crow had fun, so why did he leave? I hear a fluttering and see glints optic flutter on, he floats upward scanning the room for a moment and he finds me.
"Youre awake?" Glint asks.
"Pluto left." I say, more annoyed than anything. I told him to admit that he loved crow, not have sex with him and run off.
"He said youd explain." Glint says. And for a moment i am furious. Glint knew he left and didnt tell me! But i shake in a no, and begin to say what ive told his lovers in the past. Well i start to.
"Pluto is... odd. He doesnt- okay look. He loves crow so im not gonna tell you the bull crap he wants me to say. Its just that someone hurt him, and he has a problem showing anyone that hes vanrable. Hed rather just shove it away and pretend all is right with the world." I sigh, frustrated, i thought we had gotten over this.
"Crow is going to be upset about it." Glint says and i can sense the anxiety in his voice. I float over to him and lay next to him. Once i lay on crows chest his breathe hitches for a moment before going back to normal.
"Ill talk to him. Im used to cleaning up Plutos messes." I say to him and he lights up for a moment.
"You are a wonderful freind." Glint says, its full of emotion.

Pluto pov
I sank into the bath looking at the ceiling. The cold sweat hasnt stopped, and i feel like i may throw up again when i run my fingers through my hair.  I remember last night, and it was nice. Nice to have Crow like that. I shake my head, i could never get that back now. He wouldnt want me now.
"He wont like that." I remember Glint telling me. I was cold to him. If i stayed though- no. Dont think about that. I feel the hand reach back through my throat, i feel its iorn fist as i take the soap and rub it over my freash nail markings on my neck. They sting, and for a moment i want to scream. It feels so much nicer when my ghost heals me. But i know thats not going to happen. Not today at least.
I get dressed and rense myself off, wrapping a hankerchif around my throat i begin to braid my hair before putting it in a bun. I draw the identical lines on my face and head back to the kitchen. When i get there i see Sirius and Zavala talking about a battle stratigie, dabating. I roll my eyes and a smell catches me off gaurd. I follow it to the kitchen, i see rolled up egg, with bacon, chese, peppers and vairious other things in it with queso drissled ontop of it. Suddenly my stomach rumbles, and i no longer hear the titains talking behind me. I turn to the pair and hold my hands up as if im praying.
"Can we keep him!" I yell at sirius while jumping up and down and she laughs at me for a bit.
"Eventually." She says rolling her eyes. "Now eat the omlette and shut up." I emedently grab the salsa out of the fridge and begin eating as if ive been starved for centeries. "I think he likes it." I hear Sirius say while i stuff my face with hevenly eggs. Once done i wash my plate and put it in the washer with the rest of them.
"THANK OU VALA!" I yell while having some still in my mouth and he nodds with an appreciative look in his eyes. "Whats the plan today?" I say after swallowing and walking up to the table.
"Put youre armour on, were going to europa." Sirius says non chalantally.
"Whats on europa thats worth while?" I ask with an eyebrow cocked.
"Hopefully, an end to the night." She says standing up and transmitting her armuor on.
"Uhh, sis... i have no clue if you got laid last night, but if you did, did you happen to hit youre head?" I say and i recive a punch to my un armoured chest, followed by a cough and flim coming up in the prosses.
"Shut up and get youre ghost... wherever she is. After that meet up with me in the hanger." She says walking away and Zavala following. My at crows. I would have to go back to get her. I dont- if i went back id have a pissed off Crow to deal with. If i die on europa ill have a pissed off ghost AND sister to deal with.
Walking through the city i have to make sure its 830 am, it still looks like its midnight. As i walk through the city there is a new feeling of dread, it gives me goosebumps and i wonder if this trip to europa will fix this, or if itll just get worse. My sister is always hopefull in the vangaurd, sometimes i wonder if she were ghostless would she follow them off a bridge? Sometimes i think the awnser is yes, other times no; but now im not sure.
When i knock on their apartment door Saint awnseres.
"Pluto, brother! Here for crow, yes?" He says joyfully and i catch a glimse of crow darting off somewhere behind him. I feel my heart sink, i want him to care about me, i want him to feel compfort with me, feel nice when im near, feel safe. My fake smile creeps up as i look up to saint.
"I guess you could say that. I left my ghost here and i wanted to retrive her." I also want to see crow before i leave, but he doesnt need to know that. I have the urge to make sure crow is okay, though i know that he wont want to see me. Saint lets me in easy enough and i go to crows room where i left her. Turning the knob it stops.

"Hey, crow?" My voice calls out barley above a whisper. "Can w-"
"Youre ghost is in the kitchen." His voice is harsh, cold. And it hurts.
"Can i atleast see you?" I ask, anoyed that even through my smile my voice cracks.
"Go away." He says sternly, but i hear a crack in his voice too. Maybe he does want to see me. I open my mouth to try and convence him, before a word can come out a firm and strong hand gripps my sholder.
"Give Crow space." He whispers as quietly as possible, then he returns to normal volume. "He doesnt want to speak with you. Leave Pluto." Hes stearn and i sigh. My ghost returns to my shoulder and we transmat to the hanger. When we arrive i look around, my ship wasent preped, even worse, Sirius is gone.

destiny 1 and 2 one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ