Zavala x OC Darkend city

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When I woke up I felt a warm body underneath my head and I smiled remembering that Zavala was still at my apartment. I rubbed my face along the suit that he still wears before I sit up, me still in a knee length dress, and Zavala still in his suit and tie. I nearly laugh at the idea. I see Zavala shift before he lazily opens his eyes and smiling at me. I gently smile back, he doesn't smile often, only in private, he doesn't want to hurt anyone he's involved with. I understand that, simply because I am the same.
"Its four in the morning. You can go back to bed if you'd like." I say as I lay a hand on his cheek. He nuzzles into it, his smile and peaceful eyes unwavering. We could stay here like this, it would be nice. He holds my hand in his own.
"I think I'll get up, I'd like to help you get dressed anyway. " I feel heat race to my cheeks and his smirk fades. He sits up looking at me seriously. "I could leave if-"
"No. I mean, uh, no thank you?" I say quickly, stumbling over my words,his deep chuckle fills my ears. "I just, well, I've never actually..." I can't finish my sentence, I trail off. Can I even finish that? He laughs. Comander. Fucking. Zavala. Laughs.
"You're joking right?" He asks and I shake my head.
"Not in this life, or my last." I say looking down, the dress was a blue lace that had a black slip underneath the see through lace. He grips my hand firmly, using his free one to guide me to look at him in the eyes.
"I promise I will not hurt you." I smile at the thought of what he said, I pull him in for a hug.
"You hurting me was the least of my worries." I say smiling into his neck, he curls his arms around me pulling me in closer in the prosses. We stay like that, breathing, feeling echother. I hear a tick then a whirl of air, I see a electric blue light up part of the room before flying around and finding me and Zavala hugging on my bed.
"Well..." she twists in her shell, "I was expecting you both to still be asleep." She looks disappointed for a moment before I roll my eyes.
"Go ahead and turn on the lights please. " I say while laughing a bit. She does so and Zavala and I stop hugging. Once the lights are on Zavala reaches over to the nightstand and nudges his ghost awake. His ghost wakes quickly before looking a Zavala. There is a conversation in their eyes, I ignore it, it doesn't involve me so I don't really care.
"Did you're brother ever show up last night?" Zavala asks getting up and seeing the empty bed on the other side of the room.
"Yea, he said he'd sleep on the couch." I reply getting off the bed myself and stretching a bit.
"I'll go make us breakfast." Zavala chimes. That fimiler fluster returns.
"You don't have too... we usually don't eat breakfast."I say looking at him. He smiles.
"You obviously haven't had my cooking then." He says before walking out of the room with his ghost following.
-Zavala POV-
Walking through the apartment i find the living room easily. The twins apartment really isn't that hard to navigate im almost certain that's why they chose this apartment in particular. When I approache the living room the blanket originally on their couch missing didn't surprise me. The ragged and nearly strangled sound of breathing did. I place my back to the corner around the entrance to the livingroom. I peek my head around the corner expecting a psion or some lone cabal. But I dont see either of those. I see a hunters cape over the couch, a pillow that was thrown across the room. I walk up to the back of the couch, seeing Pluto doubled over between the couch and the coffee table gripping at his throat, breath fast and hard, one of his hands gripping his throat so hard id be shocked if his ghost wouldn't have to heal him later.
"Pluto." I say and he doesn't respond. He instead slammed his head against the floor and I hear a cry of pain from the Gaurdian. I hurry to the other side of the couch. "Pluto!" I yell trying to get his attention, as i do I hear a door open and slam shut. I grab the Gaurdians shoulder and pull him away from the floor the next thing I know their is a knife pointed at me and a pair of red eyes staring at me mortified, scared, chaotic, confused. The knife comes close to my neck but stopped just before contact. He isn't seeing me. Though I dont know who he's seeing.
"Brother?" Siruis voice clears the room and the hunter looks at her.
"Where am I?" The hunter asks. His sister approaching slowly behind me.
"Its okay... youre safe now." Her voice is soft, as if speaking to a child.
"WHERE ARE THE FALLEN!?" Pluto cries out, tears down his face.
"Dead. There no longer here. No one can hurt you now that Im here." Sirius is moving between me and her brother now. She slowly puts a hand on his face. He flinches but doesnt go away from her. "Ive got you my brother. Youre safe by my side." With that he leaps into her arms and yells with the amount of pain i would hear if someone was dieing. She pets his head paying no mind to the blood trickling out of the scratches on his throat. He wonders for a moment where is ghost is at, then zavala gets up and goes twords the kitchen. He is more than happy when he doesnt hear Pluto screaming anymore.
---Sirus POV---
I told Pluto to wash up, he looked like a mess, and as he leaves the room i smell cooking. I remember zavala is here, and guilt washes over me. I walk to the kitchen and hug the titan from behind, i hear a humm of delight from him. I peek around his arm and see hes making ommlets. Good ones too.
"This one is youres, then Pluto and mine will be next." Zavala says to me.
"Pluto wont be joining us for breakfast. He needed to go clean himself up." I told him trying to think of a way to explain what happened. "Pluto... has problems." I begin, but how on earth am i supposed to explain this? "Ever since something really bad happened, hes had horrible night terrors. Thats why we sleep in the same room now, its just easier that way." Zavala nodds in aknowlagment.
"Should he really be going on missions then?" Zavala was concerned for her brother, this was the first he had heard of this afterall.
"Probably not honestly. But he refuses to let me go on them alone. He always says that he cant have that happen to me. I think he belives if hes there he could stop it." I say trying to understand him, i fear for his safty too. I fear for it since ive seen it at full peak, when he was at his lowest. Back when he thought he needed to die.
"Zavala." His ghost breaks the silence, i would be thankfull if it werent Ikoras voice on the other end. And if she didnt sound panicked. "Zavala i need you to get ahold of the twins right now!"

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