Crow x Hunter pt 3

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**warning- ptsd, flashbacks, past rape, past kidnapping, and fear of becoming what the kidnapper wanted you to be.**

After the boring meeting was over I rolled the back of my neck popping it in the prosses, I close my eyes trying to work my fingers into that one spot to get the kink out of my neck. Then I'm hit with a roll of what I assume was paperwork. I snap my eyes open and glare at the titan standing infront of me.
"What the hell was that for?" I ask and she let's out a scoff.
"Shut up and listen to me." She says crossing her arms over her chest, her 3 buns of white hair shining as she glares at me as if I'm 'empress bowtome' herself. "You are not to return home tonight until after 1030. For any reason. Understand?" She asks and I furrow my brows.
"What you got a date or something?" I ask teasingly and she slugs me in the shoulder, I catch Crow out of the corner of my eye looking worried underneath his mask. And I feel guilt for making him worry, so when my sister walks out of the HELM, I dont say anything else. There's nothing to say that she'd confirm anyway. I turn to crow and offer a smile. He looks like he wants to say something, ask something about what just happened. He doesn't though, I guess he really doesn't have a chance.
"I've got some bounties I need to do, I could use some company if you'd like?" I say to him holding out a hand. While it would be nice to have crow tag along, I dont need him to. At least, thats what I tell myself. Osiris clears his throat behind me. I turn to him
"Touching moment really." I can nearly feel his eye roll, "but I need crow here. We have much to discuss." Osiris says and I feel a pain in my heart for a moment before throwing it out.
"Alright, no problem. Catch you later man." I say to crow playfully slapping his arm and his smile stays with me as I leave the helm and head to the hanger.
After I get in the ship, I start it and break orbit.
"Where too now?" My ghost asks and I shrug. I dont actually have any bounties, or anything to do. I can't go home, I can't see crow. I'm off today. Sure I could pick up some extra bounties from somewhere, but I really don't want to.  "Oh I know!" My ghost whirls around excitedly before ending up inches from my face. "We can discuss you're problem with being gay!"
"I don't have a problem with gay people?" I say raising a brow at the tiny machine, in turn she rolls her optic, hits me in the head before speaking again, now resting on the dash.
"Crow likes you." She says.
"I'd hope so sometimes we do missions together. " I interrupt, she scoffs.
"And you like him."
"I would be sad if he disappeared."
"And you want to spend all of you're time with him?" She continues.
"Well he's pretty fun." I say. She sighs. Obviously annoyed.
"You two sleep together on missions, you two slept together last night, I have a godawful amount of pictures where you two are hugging or cuddling in the background.  You. Like. Him." I feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment and I pull my feet up onto the seat with my knees in my chest. I feel a type of panic in my chest.
"Im into girls." I say bluntly, its a lie. I have never been attracted to a single female. But if im gay that means that the fallen back on the shore were right.
"Hey..." my ghost floats near my face and I feel a molten tear roll down my cheek. "Its okay to b-"
"NO ITS FUCKING NOT!" I yell at her as I bury my head into my knees. My chest is pounding, I can hear the blood in my ears and more tears on my cheek. I hear a whisper. I try to push it away but the invisible hand i feel on my hip stings. I let out a sob.
"Pluto." My ghost becons me back to the present, I look up at her blurred form through bloodshot and tearful eyes. I smile and turn a sob into a laugh. "Its okay to hurt." She tells me and I shake my head in response. I'm supposed to be strong, strong like my sister. Strong enough to know what to do and when to do it. I'm not though. I claw at my armor and leave scratches, maybe even dents.
"Pluto... if you tell crow you love him I won't bother you about it anymore. " she says.
"Thats the problem!" I say louder than I should. "I- if I do that ill be their-"
"They have no control over you anymore. " she says firmly as I hiccup. "If you love a man its not because of what they made you do!" She nuzzles herself into my neck, I freeze for a moment mistaking it for an eliksni. Then I relax, its just her. "You are making yourself miserable by thinking that they control you by what they did. If anything they're controlling you by making you reject part of yourself. " She says in a voice I would relate to a mothers. I laugh at the thought and she sternly twists in her shell, I hold up my hands in defense.
"I yield I yield!" I say laughing loudly as I put my feet back on the floor and come out of my trance. I breathe, its been a minute since I've been reminded of them. Well, in a way that has caused me to panic. After a moment or so of silence the comm's light up and ding, I blink unsure of who would be message us now and see its a message from crow. I blink in surprise but I open it and smile.
'Osiris wanted to confirm some battle strategies and stuff. I'm free now if you'd like.'I smile involuntarily and I hear ghost float near me.
"No bounties, take him out." She says and I chuckle at the idea. I want to. "Somewhere nice, candel lit dinner, fancy, but not too fancy. "
"Dont you think you're taking it too fast?" I ask her.
"You're taking it too slow." She retorts. "Comon, meet up with him, tell him how you feel, the go somewhere! He will love it." This time I feel the smirk creep to my cheeks.
"You think he will?" I ask and she nods excitedly. "What would I even say?" I ask outloud spinning back in my chair. "Hi, I'm you're best friend Pluto and I want to kiss you and never let you get hurt?" I say walking around my ship flamboyantlly, ghost laughs at me. "Hey,  you a top or a bottom? Because I'll take you anyway tonight?" I say lowering my voice trying to sound like Zavala.
"You're insane!" My ghost yells having a laughing fit and I start laughing too and one of my hairs fall into my face and tickle the bridge of my nose. I eventually stand up and plop down in my Chair and sigh laying my hand across my stomach.
"Besides, he's been through a lot..." I place my chin on my palm. "I dont want to hurt him too." I spin around looking at the message again, scanning it. I put my face into my hands bending at the waist putting my elbows on my knees. "Besides that he deserves someone who's not...not..."
"Not consumed by PTSD?" My ghost chimes and I nod. I can't even sleep by myself. Sleeping in a room alone leads to night terrors, thats why my sister and I share a room. I feel the weight on me again. This weight that cant ever be removed. "Trust me... he will be okay with it. He loves you."
"Love doesn't mean anything." I say to her, and the only one that actually loves me is my sister.
"Then why did he kiss you when you came over?" She asks, I can feel the annoyance. "Why did he ask you spasificaly to come over? Why did he cuddle up to you while he was falling asleep? When he goes by that tea place why do you think he always picks up a skittles tea with espresso shake?"
"I DONT KNOW!" I yell, more tears fall. I wonder how much of a mess my makeup is. But I sling back my head into the chair "I just... I dont know. " I say frustrated.
"He LOVES you Pluto." She pushes. "Now talk to him. If it helps me and glint will go explore the city while you two do... whatever guardians do." I swear she would wink at me if she could. And I let out a loud sigh.
"Fine." I say and she excitedly flies through the air. As I begin to type she lands on my shoulder.
"I'll pick you up at you're place? Is Osiris and Saint there?" I send and for once I feel my nerves light. He replies quickly though.
"Osiris is still in the HELM, him and Salliden have something to work out. Saint is running the trials of Osiris. So no." I scan it and my heart jumps. I fly to the tower and after we land I look in the mirror, straighten the black lines on my face and rub some smear marks away before leaving my ship.
"Remember. Tell him you love him." My ghost says.
"How exactly?"
"However you feel." I rool my eyes at her cleashe response but it doesn't take long to get to their apartment.
"Right, do I look presentable?" I ask my ghost and she laughs.
" you look fine. Relax a little. " she says and I let out a deep breath before knocking on the door. Crow opens the door with a smile, his mask obstructing his face, but I can still make out the creases in his cheeks.
"Hey!" He says beginning to step out of his place and glint flies over to ghost, nearly as soon as glint isn't in the way I stop thinking. I just move. I feel my hand go to crows hip as I step twords him pushing him back into the room as I step into it. My other swiftly closes the door then pulls off crows mask before kissing him. I hear the door close and I know its just me and crow. Me and him. I hold the nape of his neck and his mask in one hand, I wrap my hand around the small of his back tracing where his spine is. I feel him smile and put one hand on my shoulder, gripping it slightly and his other hand grabbing at my chest. We stay like that, the feel of echother on the other side of that door entrancing us, as if we were both hypnotized by the other. Eventually I back off of him, just a hair away from his lips, I feel his breath and I smile. He grins sheepishly back.
"I wasn't expecting that." Crow starts and goes to kiss me again, I retreat. Feeling a pit of vipers in my stomach and a thousand voices telling me to run, leave, never look back, I've made a mistake.
"That was the hope." I say to him glancing at his lips and swallowing my fear. This is crow. He won't hurt me. He kisses me and I scoop him up into my arms. He laughs into the kiss wrapping his arms around my head.
"I thought we were gonna go do bounties?" He says a small laugh as he lays his head on my chest. I begin to walk to his bedroom, I know ill regret this later, but here and now, I want him to know how much I care about him.
"This is the only important bountie I have to complete. " I whisper to him and he playfully nudges me. I open the door and we go in.
It was so different, full of love, full of meaning. We exchanged laughs, kisses embarrassment, though I never got my relise i got my fill of the poison. Before I know it crow is sound asleep, glint on his chest and I'm suiting up to leave.
"He's not going to like that you didn't spend the night." I hear glint chirp and I jump, I turn to face him, glints optic glowing, I could've sworn that both ghosts were asleep. I silently curse to myself and sigh.
"I can't stay here." I say starting to get dressed standing in the prosses. "Trust me my ghost will be upset with me too."
"Then why?" Glint asks. I swallow the lump in my throat, ill be what they want me to be. I can't say that.
"Ghost will probably explain in the morning. " I continue, finishing lacing my boots. I can feel glints annoyance, his disappointment. But I can't be what they wanted me to be. I leave. Last night their was a reason for me to spend the night. Their is no reason tonight.
When I arrive home the apartment is silent, the air is stilled. Closing the door was the easy part. The lock felt like a bullet wound, and it felt like I'd never see crow again, though I know that's a lie. I walk to me and Sirius's shared room, when I open it the lights are still on, I look over to her bed and have to keep myself from laughing.
My sister laying on the bed in a dress and commander Zavala laying next to her in a suit and tie. I quietly walk over to her bed and reach over Zavala. When I shake her she opens her eyes and starts glaring at me emedently.
"Yeah, 'I'm not in love with Zavala', you liar." I whisper at my sister, her glare in increased, but I dont miss her slightly worried glance twords Zavala.
"Go sleep on the couch you idiot." She whisper yells to me and I chuckle before leaving the room and turning off the light, laying on the couch I wonder what waking up with Zavala will be like.

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