" You idiot. That's for lying to me! You really think that poor kitten's life is only worth seven thousand yen? Of course not. You owe me five hundred bank, kiddo! "

   " Five hundred thousand!? "

You looked to see what kitten he was talking about and saw a bloody bag lying in the street, and you instantly felt sad. 

   " You bet your ass, I be-"

The man didn't get to finish what he was saying before Okuyasu punched him. 

   " Would you please shut your hole!? I've had it with your bullshit, you bastard. You'd better listen to me and return his money, moron. "

The man didn't answer Okuyasu. Instead, he kept stumbling backward from the punch, and he slipped over his own feet. He fell to the ground and hit the side of his head against the sidewalk. Blood spurted from his mouth, and his front tooth flew out, landing at Okuyasu's feet. The man started to sit up, and he had blood pouring from his mouth and tears down his cheeks. 

   " You should've kept your balance to avoid falling down. Why the hell did you make yourself stumble around like a drunk baby and fall over? "

   " How could you blame me? This is unbelievable. How could you hit me? You broke my front tooth. That's cruel. "

   " Hey, wait a second, you are okay, right? "

   " No, stop Okuyasu! It's a trap! You shouldn't feel guilty about it! " Koichi yelled.

Before your eyes, a lock like Koichi's started to form, and it formed over Okuyasu's chest. 

   " He idd it on purpose. He makes someone feel guilty and puts a lock on them until they pay back. " You said.

   " You jerk! "Okuyasu yelled, raising his fist to punch the guy.

   " I wouldn't do that if I were you! If a person with the lock hurts me, it will only have repercussions on him. "

   " You bastard! "

   " Hey, about that kitten you said Koichi ran over. . .this happen to be it? "

You looked over to the bag and Noticed Josuke pulling out a cat dol that was covered in a red liquid. You were glad that it wasn't a real cat, but it made you hate the bleeding male near Okuyasu more. You hated that he used a fake story to get someone guilty to pay him money.

   " A stuffed toy? "

   " Now, to get down to business. "

Josuke stood from the bag and walked towards Okuyasu. He picked up the tooth and crouched in front of the bleeding male. Crazy Diamond took the tooth and put it back in his mouth. The tooth was reattached to the man's mouth, and there was no more bleeding. The key in both Koichi and Okuyasu's lock turned and came out, making the lock disappear from their chests. 

   " Just who the hell are you? "

   " You haven't forgotten about the seven thousand yen you stole, have you? "

The guy searched his pockets and took out his wallet, putting the seven thousand yen on the ground still in the yellow wallet. He turned and started running away, and Koichi ran towards his wallet. You went with him, but when he pulled the corner of the bills, only the corner of his original bills came out of the wallet. The bills weren't there; it was only the corners.

   " He took the bills and left the corners! He can go to a bank and exchange it for new bills. "

   " What a jerk. "

   " He'll pay. And it's not even my money." 

   " That scum. "

An idea popped into your head, and you pulled on Josuke's sleeve.

   " Why don't you use crazy diamond to fix the bills? Won't the seven thousand yen come back to us if you're fixing them? "

   " Well, that's a possibility. He has the bigger bill though so it's more likely that the smaller pieces would go to the bills, since they're bigger. "

   " Oh. . .sorry Koichi. "

   " Let's just go to school. " He said disappointedly. 

You walked beside him towards school, but when you walked through the gates, you felt like someone was watching you. You looked around the school grounds, but it was hard to find someone that wasn't looking at you. 

   ' Of course, everyone's looking at us, we're walking with Josuke. All the girls are already blushing over him. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. '

   " Hey, everything okay there, Y/n? "

You looked up at Josuke and your eyes connected. You nodded and looked back to the ground.

   " Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little paranoid. "

   " Why? What's making you paranoid? "

   " I just feel like someone's watching us. "

   " Of course people are watching you, you're walking with three very good looking guys. " Okuyasu said.

   " That might be the case, but I don't know. "

A hand was placed on your shoulder, and you were pulled into someone's side as you walked into the school. You looked up at Josuke feeling warmth travel from his hand on your shoulder.

   " Just ignore them. " He said.

I Will Protect You (Josuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now