4 - Unexpected Visit

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"How in the hell do you know where I live?" She angrily asked, keeping her voice low so her mother wouldn't hear. He smirked, clearly expecting her tone with him, yet not affected by it. He stepped up to her, lowering his head to her ear.

"Want to talk here so your lovely mother can hear her child is a stripper?" She shushed him quickly and he raised his head, raising his eyebrow clearly waiting for her answer. She didn't want to go outside, but he had a point. Her mother was bound to be lurking behind a wall ear hustling. On the porch wouldn't be so bad right? She thought.

She stomped and opened the door, him closing it after them and she stabbed his chest with her finger hard into the door.

"What the fuck are you? A stalker?" She harshly questioned and he shook his head, removing her finger. "What do you want?!" She hollered and it only amused him more, yet frustrated her the more he refused to answer.

His eyes penetrated her angered ones as he lowered her hand down. "All will be explained Teresa" He nudged his head, gesturing to the black Chevrolet Tahoe that pulled up. The tinted black windows had her feeling like something was shady and she stepped back, only to hit his chest, his arms grabbing her. "I'm not getting in the car" She protested and he sighed, for once showing some kind of emotion rather than amusement.

"Get in willingly please or I will make you and that would cause a scene. You don't want that do you?" He whispered and she felt what he wanted her to. His gun. She turned her head, looking down the road.

"I wouldn't try that if I were you" He warned deeply and it gave her shivers. Bad ones. Terrified shivers. Once figuring out she wasn't going to move, he grabbed her arm and she grabbed his, only to be thrown over his shoulder and she didn't make a sound because she was sure whoever was in that car had a gun as well. Who would suffer the consequences? Her mother.

He opened the door and sat her down, and slid in next to her, closing the door. She stared out the window, not even seeing anything in the car, about the car or if there was a person inside other than them.

Luciano intensely gazed over Teresa. How tense she was, it was prominent. Though, he could not stare at her all day even if she were beautiful. He cleared his throat and Adriano turned Teresa's face gently and she found Luciano's eyes.

Fortunately, he saw everything she felt when she saw him.

Teresa didn't want to look, she was being kidnapped. Maybe if you don't see their faces, you're safe right? However her plan failed when Adriano turned her face, forcing her to look into the eyes of the man across from her. Even in her predicament, she lost sight of it, just by connecting with his eyes.

His dark forest green eyes, surrounded with lighter shades of green flecks. His eyes were truly deeply beautiful.

They dropped to his lips and the stubble around them. He had full, wet and sensual lips. So addicting just by the sight, she wanted to take a test on how good they taste. And another, and another until he or she wouldn't stop. One thing that brought pleasant yet tensive shivers up her spine was his hard gaze. Very observant, cool and inquisitive, almost like he was curious of her as she were of him, yet less afraid.

And the more she stared, the more her most sensitive parts grew needy for him. But he was a stranger. A kidnapper and for some odd reason she was fine with that, if she was going to be in his bed by the end of the night. She knew, just by his face, that he would show her an explicit and euphoric time.

And the way he was staring at her, she could agree to do the same.

She couldn't say she was staring at a god, no he was too hot for it, too sinful, she was staring at the Devil. And she didn't mind if he were to take her to play. A corner of her lips quivered into a small smirk by this thought and Luciano was able to catch the imperceptible expression and it amused him.

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