(1.) Analyzation.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Camp Camp (Web Series). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

The wall are painted and they aren't about to be broken down. A boy has learned to leave no dent, no crack, no way for anyone to break it.

His name is Max.

He doesn't let anyone in. For people are the ones who take advantage and backstab the moment you aren't useful to them no more.


He grimaced, body shuddering. New voices arising equals more annoyances. Though, he felt like if he figured out people, it's more easier breaking then.

"Hey, Nikki." He mumbled, hands in his hoodie. "You wanna go on another adventures or something?"

Nikki's weakness is obliviousness. When she adventures, it's Max and others who protect her from the bad, the good, and even the worse.

Max doesn't like the worse.

When he's at the worse, everything's fucked up. Someone or something's always out to kill 'em. The fact it happens every weeks is a bloody curse.

"Don't know, Nikki. Don't want anything to fucking kill us-...Try killing us again." Max answered softly, hands fiddling in the pockets. "Just..not today."

Today's one of the off days.

There are day as an entity tries taking over his mind and body. As if another spirit resides in the base of his mind. Max wanted to be alone on these days.

Nikki's expression saddens leaving Max guilty.

"O...okay.." She drawled, pausing a moment. She reached a hand, copping his arm. "Just know we're here. Me and Neil."

Your not.

He dares not voice his thoughts.

"Yeah, whatever." Max's usual scowl returned. "Go bother David or some shit. I'm not in the fucking mood to be annoyed."

Max saw through his own eyes. His mind detached itself from his own eyes letting him watch what he said and did and oddly enough, there wasn't any guilt in the end.

What's the point if they leave?

Never letting his walls crack, the carefully crafted structure did now allow people, any people in nor out. Secrets be damned if it costs too much.

Max unconsciously sneered.


Why was Nikki still here? Standing there, arms folded tight and nervously staring down the boy she liked calling a friend. And someday...

Maybe even more.

Max internally asked the walls if she's allowed to be acknowledged in knowing he's not okay. How he desperately wants to shout no.



He knows she knows he knows it's bullshit. Yet, in the end, she kept her mouth and walked off to leave him in the camp alone.

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