regulus' letter

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My dearest Eva,

If you're reading this, it means that I died while trying to rid our world of bad so we could live in a safer world, a world where our child would not be bullied for not being a Pure-blood, a world where there would not be a constant target on your back.

If you're reading this, it means either one of two things: either I died trying to get that damned Horocrux or I retrieved it, but I did not survive.

I'm sorry that I'm leaving you and our son so soon. I wish I could be there for you two, watch our baby come into the world, his first smile, his first steps, his first word. I hope it's "mama".

Baby names are a subject we didn't quite discuss but I have one request. Name him "Sirius", either his first name or his middle name, I don't care as long as it has "Sirius" in it. Actually, no, "Sirius" is his middle name. I don't want my brother's ego to burst out of this world.

When I met you, all I wanted was to survive this mess so one day I could see my brother again, but now that fate put you in my way, I lived for more than that sole reason. I lived to see you happy. I lived in order to have a future with you. I lived in order to correct my wrongs. I lived so I could meet our son. I lived for many reasons, and sacrificing my life for yours was all worth it.

Please, keep our secret safe in order to keep you safe. With my father dead, if my mother finds out our secret, nothing won't stop her to murder you.

Take care of you and our little star and tell him that his father loves him very much.

"Till death do us part", right?

I love you, my sweet Evangeline!



till death do us part -regulus black (the blacks, vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now