A1 - 02 ; the unknown girl

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"Regulus, you're such a drama queen!"


Regulus scoffed at his friends.

"You know, after four years of friendship, I thought you'd understand that I'm not leaving anytime soon." Pandora stated, still trying to catch her breath. "Well believe it or not, I've been friends with him for thirteen years and he never once told me anything." Dominique sighed deeply, panting slightly. "And you have long legs. Do know that we aren't designed for running." The Slytherin added. "I have to admit that I felt like I was in a book." Xenophilius said, smiling warmly in the cold evening. "Sod off, Lovegood. Mister Drama Queen is still upset." Pandora grinned.

"But really, Regulus, are you alright?" The blonde girl asked, her emotion switched almost immediately. "It's- it's fine. I was just being to dramatic. I just made things harder for mum and dad." He sighed.

"Oh please, Reg. Since when do you give a flying fuck about them? Admit it, you only feel bad because you were the centre of attention." Dominique scoffed at the boy's attitude. "Look- I feel ungrateful, alright? For you all, for mum and dad, for everything. I'm sorry for ruining your nights. Just go back there, alright? Enjoy your nights." He rambled. "I know I'm not one to say this, but if we all went back, we would really get embarrassed." Xenophilius chuckled. "Xeno's got a point. We basically cussed Sirius out just before we went after you. Going back, I'll probably get lectured, and Pandora as well." Dominique had a huge smile on her face as she said that.

"Never in my life did I ever expect of saying the word, 'arsehole' correctly again." Pandora smiled.

"Now let's forget about that twat. You two huh?" Dominique smirked at the two blondes. "I might have to admit that it was unexpected but totally called for." Pandora smiled, her arm linked around Xenophilius's. "It was obvious that you two fancied each other. We just needed to know if Xeno's going to act on it or not."

Regulus smiled at his friends, his tears were drying and not that visible anymore.

He had been wanting the wrong thing this whole time.

He looked at the pocket watch that he recently got from Narcissa.

A few minutes to midnight.

"I saw you talking to Diggory! Don't lie, you fancy her!" Pandora teased. "I don't! Xeno! Back me up here!" Dominique flushed, only to receive a shrug from Xenophilius."

A minute.

"But you have to admit that Cheryl didn't look that bad right?" Dominique muttered shyly. "See? I told you she fancied her! Give me my galleons, Xenophilius."

"I thought you were innocent!" Dominique gasped.

"I take whatever I can get to get a taste of that butterbeer again." Xenophilius winked.

"Reg, what're you smiling at?" Pandora asked, looking over to Regulus.

Pulling three gifts out of his pocket, he smiled, "Happy Christmas."

THE house was silent for rest of the holiday. Walburga and Orion were upset with Regulus, and after hours of lecturing and screaming, Regulus was finally allowed to breath.

Esoteric - Regulus BlackМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя