"Well, we are all treating the baby as if it was fully human," Evie started as everyone listened to her with attention. "But that is not how genetics work. A child is half the mother, half the father. So the baby is half-human, half-vampire. And if human food doesn't work, then maybe he wants... vampire food,"

"Blood," Jacob realised.

"He’s thirsty," Bella realised too.

"I know the feeling," Emmett joked.

"If it’s craving, it’s not gonna want animal blood," Carlisle said. "I have some O negative laid aside for Bella,"

The doctor left for a few second before coming back with a blood back. Evie couldn't help but grimaced and looked away. She didn't really like the sight of blood. And as a shifter, she was immensly repulsed by the idea of drinking it. And it was even worse consedering the fact that it wasn't animal blood. It was human. Surely legally taken, but it was still human nevertheless.

Carlisle poured the blood into a cup for Bella to drink.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! You’re gonna make her drink that?" Jacob panicked. He too must be very uncomfortable by the thought of it. And looking around, Evie noticed how all the shifters were grimacing or looking away while the Cullens stood unfazed.

"It’s the fastest way to test the theory," Carlisle reasoned.

Edward took the cup from his father's hand and sat next to Bella.

"Only if you’re comfortable with it," the vampire said.

"I’ll try anything," she said. Bella took the cup and brought it her lips.

When Evie saw the thick dark red liquid sliding to Bella’s mouth, the shifter almost gaged. She couldn't help but look away and took hold of Jacob's arm. Feeling him by her side comforted her. Unconsciously, Jacob wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her towards him into a side hug. Evie leaned into the embrace and rest her face onto his shoulder. She focused onto his breathing and his touch, trying to forget the nature of Bella's liquor. Jacob's presence was doing a fairly great job on calming her down and reassuring her. Evie felt at ease, at peace. She didn't want him to let go. And she didn't want it either.

"It tastes…," Bella started. "Good,"

Edward smiled at her as Bella drunk more of the blood. Evie didn't know if she could ever get use to that.

"Your pulse is already getting stronger," Carlisle said as he checked on Bella. "It’s working,"

"You had a great idea," Esmee complimented Evie as she gently patted her back.

"I just paid attention to biology class," Evie joked as she smiled. She was happy to have been useful.

By the day, Bella’s state was already getting better. And she looked better. Not extraordinary and healthy, but better than a walking skeleton with skin on. And the improvment had a good impact also on the moral of the team. Everyone was very less worried and more confident in her survival.

The Black pack was as usual guarding the house. Seth and Sarah inside the house, probably chatting and messing around. But no one was mad or frustrated. Seeing the two yougest having fun was actually lightning everyone's mood. It was making them forget the awfully situation they were in. It was giving them a sense of normality.

Leah and Aaron were patrolling around the house, making sure no unwanted person was there. It also allowed them to have some time just the two of them.

Evie was outside the house, at the tree line. It was calm. She felt as if it had been a long time since she wasn't engulfed in calmness. Everything just shifted and happened so quickly. Everything was getting better and boom! A new supernatural unexpected and improbable situation happened. But she was used to it by now. Since she first shifted monthes ago, it had never been simple and calm. There was always something. So sometimes, Evie just enjoy calmness and the beautiful and peaceful music of nature. Thinking about it, it had been a long time since she hadn't gone cliff diving. But now she didn't really have the time. But maybe she could go after everything is settled? With Jacob? Maybe?

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