Cute Things About Him

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For as much as it can get on your nerves, his confidence.

They way he just seems like he can do anything without problem and knows it is sorta admirable. That cocky smirk can make you melt, and the way he carries himself just brings you closer to him.

Without that confidence, you would've never gotten to know the sweetheart he can be.

"How was the story?" Sinbad asked you as he walked up.

"Surprisingly, very enjoyable," You smiled.


How sweet he treats you.

Despite your somewhat rocky start, he seems to treat you better than he does others. He could yell at your brother for something, but then just firmly scold you for the same thing. He tries his best to give you gifts whenever he can and keeps you safe. He even has a doodle tattoo of a heart you won't let him wash off. He wears it proudly.

You held up a small jar of pink colored ink, "Honey, show me your wrist!"

He sighs, but smiles, "I was wondering when you were going to redo this."


His blush!

He makes it look super cute when it happens. If you surprise kiss him, cuddle up in public, or tell him you love him, his face will turn as red as his hair. You can't help but to nuzzle his cheek and call him cute. He just blushes worse, but has an adorable smile to match.

"I love you so much, darling!" You kissed his cheek.

Mystras blushed, "Flower! I love you too!"


His odd nature.

Never once had you met someone so obsessed with dark, claustrophobic spaces. Never once had you met someone who seems interested in your rambles. Never once had you met someone who is happy to come and go. but act like he never left.

Never had you once wanted him to change.

"Yu! What did I say about getting in the barrels?!" You say as you saw him trying to get into one.

"But, dear!" He whined, "It's so small and cramped!"



You can't pick just one!

You known him long enough that you came to love everything about him. Both of his appearances, his little quirks and habits, how he speaks. You just stare at him in all his flaws and still see just the guy you love.

"Is something wrong?" He asked you.

You shook your head, "Nothing." You smile and keep staring.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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