New Challenger Approaching! Drakon

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Requested by  for their friend. 

I hope she enjoys her Scaly

How You Met:

You are the new maid to Princess Serendine. You thought it was a little weird that you were working at such a young age, but you were a slave. What can you do?

One day as you helped the young princess learn how to make a flower crown. You noticed a little bit away from you was a little green haired boy. He was watching Seren rather shcyly. You tilted your head.

"Your highness, who is that?" You asked.

Seren blinked and looked behind her. The boy blushed and looked away. She chucked at that.

"That is Dragul, my friend. I call him Jr!" She told you. She looked at the boy, "Jr., come here!"

Dragul got closer, "Yes?"

"This is (Y/n), why don't you play with us?"

Becoming Friends:

You and Drakon basically grew up together.

When he couldn't follow Seren, he would follow you. You were a little grumpy when he grew out of the habit, though. He does get a light blush when you mentioned it. It makes you giggle.

Your job also never got in the way, spending time with him whenever you can.

Getting a Crush:

It was only inevitable that you would fall for him.

You watched him grow into a strong and handsome guy.  You enjoy your time together more and more. You smiled at him as you helped Seren get ready for her wedding. He looked emotionless, but you knew he was upset.

He loved Serendine, but she was to be married to his brother.

It hurt, but you bared through it. It hurt when he disappeared into that dungeon, it hurt when he basically lost it while trying to hunt down a purple haired boy. It hurt when you had to watch him suffer his transformation.

However, soon, you didn't mind it.

After you were forced to flee with him, Seren, and two others, Seren basically dropped the fact that you were her maid. She broke your chains and freed you.

That was when you were allow to spend time with the guy, now dragon,  of your dreams.

Asking Out:

He was nervous. He never thought he'd be feeling this shy when wanting to date you.

"Come on Drakon! You can do it!" Sinbad told him, "Just walk up to her and say 'Hey, (Y/n), I have feelings for you. Will you go out with me?'"

But it didn't feel that easy to him. He was scared that you would just see him as either a friend or brother, or worse, you would never want to talk to him again. Still, he shouldn't be a coward.

He was outside your room door with flowers. He took a deep breath and knocked on your door. He was going to do this.

You opened the door, "Oh, hey Dragul! Need something?"

Your smiled made him nervous all over again. He held up the flowers, "(Y/n), I have something to ask you."

You blinked, "About the flowers?"

"No, they're for you," He told you, giving you the flowers, "I was just wondering, would it be too weird to ask you to dinner?"

"Not at all," You took the flowers, "Though I have to know, as a date?"

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