"Why?" Dean asked confused. Travis chuckled "because Andy can tell the captain to shut up" he said and made everybody laugh loudly.

Robert felt himself turning red but he was happy to be friendly with the team. They were all very welcoming and it was exactly what he hoped for.

Andy was more that happy he was connecting with the team, even it it was just a little it meant a lot to her because she knew he was doing it for her, he didn't really want to share cause he was mostly a private person but she was grateful she could make him open up.


Later that day Andy walked into the beanery again looking for a snack when she saw maya sitting there scrolling through her phone.

"Hi" Maya looked up to see Andy coming to sit across from her.

"What are you smiling about?" The blonde asked smiling back.

"Life is good. I'm so happy with Robert..." the love appeared in her eyes just by saying his name. "That much huh?"

"Did I tell you we said I love you? I said it by accident and was so afraid but than he said it back and I realized how in love with him I am"

Maya was glad for her friend and her happiness, after everything she's been through she really deserved it "I'm so happy for you! You deserve to be happy and I'm glad you found your person" she had a soft smile on her lips.

"Thank you. And you know, I'm sure you and Carina are it" they were only dating for a few months but since they met Maya was much happier and Andy loved to see that.

"Are you gonna ask him to live with you permanently?" Maya asked taking a bite from her apple.

"Should I? I mean all of his things are there, he sleeps in my room almost every night when we're not here. I mean it's obvious he doesn't need to move out"

"You should tell him that to make it official." She suggested "yeah..."

Just then the alarm went off calling all the units to a structure fire.


"Herrera is everything okay in there?" Robert asked Andy from outside through the radio. He hadn't heard from her in a while and got a little worried. Moments later she responded "yes sir, all good. We're coming out. Floor is clear"

A few minutes later Andy and her partner walked out from the building. Like always, Robert could breathe normally again. Every time she was in a fire he felt like he couldn't breathe as deeply as he usually does.

"Hey you" Andy said as she walked to him "hey, babe they need help over there with the triage can you go?" He looked down at her.

"Yeah and stop calling me babe at work if someone hears you..." she looked at the scene.

"You're right." He said looking at her for a moment, the most loving look on his face.
"I'll go" she said to him and walked away towards the triage.

Some time later she was treating a patient, taking a look at his burn when she hears noises from the scene, telling her something was happening. So she finished treating the patient as fast as she could and went up to see if someone needed her.

She saw maya outside, fear on her face, looking at the building front entrance.

"What's happening? Where's Robert?" She looked around and couldn't find him anywhere.

"He's inside" was the only thing Maya said.

"What? What do you mean? They... they said the building wasn't stable earlier"

Never againNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ