Chapter 8

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(Madhu's POV)

I was starting to miss him. Even in my captivity, my fearful heart only cared about him. A fresh tear rolled down my eye as I thought of my impending death. Sultan hovered around me, watching as his men tied the bomb around my waist. He mocked RK very second, narrating all the successes RK had in his career, but he could never catch Sultan. I wanted to tear his tongue out. Suddenly I heard a be gun at his creaking sound of old metal. Then footsteps.

"I'm taking her with me." I heard Sultan say abruptly. "To the other place." He grabbed my wrists and dragged me quickly to the back door.

(RK's POV)

A major shoutout took place in the area. I found the other entrance and let the others in, and Princess ran inside as well. She went off into a dark area in the back. I grabbed one of the men and slammed his head to the floor by his neck, pointing the gun at his temple.

"Where is she?"

"Gone from here." He snickered. His eyes gazed at the slightly opened door in the back.

Just then Akash came out with Princess and a weak Champ. But no Madhu.

"RK, I only found her dog. She wasn't anywhere."

"Take care of them. I need to follow him." I let the others handle the situation and went to that door. I found bike keys on the table near the door.

I looked outside, and saw a van speed out of the compound. I found the bike that the keys belonged to, luckily there was only one bike, and sped after it.

I've been chasing for too long now. I wanted Madhu back with me, back in my arms. This whole operation made me realize how much she mattered to me. I couldn't let her die. I just couldn't.

The van sped along the road very quickly, making it difficult for me to maneuver around the other vehicles.

(Madhu's POV)

I tried to climb up to my knees, but the major shaking of the van threw me to the sides. I hit my head on one of the junk items leaning against the metal walls. The dizziness crippled me to the floor.

(RK's POV)

Soon enough, the van turned into another empty compound, miles away from the city. I approached slowly, and waited. I saw Madhu, gagged and injured, being dragged inside the old mansion and being thrown inside by Sultan. I went in after them.

(Madhu's POV)

Sultan threw me against some old furniture, then playing with a unusual device. He pulled the gag off me.

"See this Madhubala? This is your death...right in my hands."

"RK will kill you!" I screamed in his face.

"Wow! Very confident in your RK huh?" He laughed. "Even though he always failed to catch me."

"I'm very confident." I said firmly.

"Very well then. I guess I'll have to break that confidence. I guess I'll have to kill you both." He smirked evilly.

I got reminded of my dream just before I had left with RK. It ended with a bullet being fired, but I didn't know who had gotten hit. Just then the door flew open. I turned and looked. RK...

(RK's POV)

I finally found her. My Madhu. She looked at me with a gaze full of happiness that was hard to ignore. It was interrupted by a devilish snicker from Sultan. And he had a gun. A long shotgun.

"Too bad this reunion will be cut short. Time to die lovebirds." He said.

He pressed the button on a small device, and suddenly the bomb strapped to Madhu began to countdown. I only had ten minutes. Sultan fired the shot, and I ducked just in the nick of time. I lunged at his legs, pushing him back to the floor. He landed with a thud, gun flung to his side. He tried to grab it, but I kicked it away. He got up to his feet again and threw punches at me. I countered them, and the fight continues. I eventually got him weak on the ground. I pulled out my gun and shot him in the leg. He shrieked in pain, gripping his leg with both hands. He glared at me with his bloodshot eyes. I then shot him in the side. He toppled over and landed on the ground, unconscious. I went over to Madhu, who was now in deep panic. I looked into her eyes.

"Madhu....look at me. It's going to be okay. Nothing will happen, I won't let death take you." I said, cupping her face with my hands.

"No's all over. Please get out while you can...." She sobbed. It hurt my heart to see her like this.

"No Madhu. I'm only leaving with you." She shook her head wildly at me, a woe some plea in her eyes. "I getting this bomb off you."

I had some practice with diffusing bombs, luckily. I pulled out a pocket knife. Now fate decided my actions. Which wire was to be cut? I whittled it down to two wires: a red one and a green one.

"No RK please don't." She said.

"Madhu, do you trust me?" She nodded.

"Then relax. I won't let anything happen to us." I consoled her.

My gut feeling told me the green wire. The timer ticked down to a minute. Sweat beaded on my forehead as I was proceeding to cut it.

(Madhu's POV)

My eyes closed as soon as he cut the wire. Waiting for my death. I opened my eyes and found myself still sitting there in front of RK. He took a deep breath and slipped the knife back into his pocket. He took me into his arms, letting me sob into his shirt. He caressed my hair and told me to calm down. That we were still here, together. I felt instantly safe in his arms, and I didn't want to leave them. He helped me out of my restraints. He called the others to come and take Sultan.

"See I told you nothing would happen." He said, touching my cheek with his fingers. I became lost in his gaze. I was falling for him.

"Not so fast lovebirds.." I heard a voice from behind.

Sultan had somehow forced himself up, holding up a small pistol. RK stepped in front of me, taking hold of his gun again.

"Looks like you want another bullet in you. My pleasure." RK said.

"Or maybe not." He said. A shot was fired. RK and I ducked and we took cover behind one of the giant metal crates. A shoutout began. I heard footsteps from behind. I cautiously turned around and saw another man there, pointing a gun at the two of us.

"RK!" I screamed. He turned and pushed me aside, taking the man out while simultaneously taking a bullet to the side. He clutched his side, blood gushing out of the wound. He fell to the ground, leaning against the crate. His breaths were quick. I helped him move to another hidden spot.

"I'm not going down without that Sultan!" He said.

"No RK! You're bleeding so much!" I said, kneeling next to him.

"I'm okay's just a minor injury." He said.

Then we heard Sultan's voice.

"Where are you hiding RK?" We could see him staggering about through a space between the crates. How was he not forced to the ground. He also took beatings and two bullets. RK took his gun and aimed through the crevice. Aiming properly, he fired the shot. All I heard next was a thud. I got up and looked at the outcome. Right in the temple. Sultan was dead.

RK was losing his breath. I grabbed his phone and called an ambulance. Then I called Mukund. The team reached the mansion shortly, along with the ambulance. RK was slowly losing consciousness. I joined him in the ambulance, tightly holding his hand and running my fingers through his hair. A tear fell from my eye onto his cheek. He opened his eyes slightly, and tried to speak.

"Madhu...." Was all he said before unconsciousness took over....

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