Chapter 2

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(Madhu's POV)

I was woken up with something rough and wet. It was touching my face. I flung my arms at it, trying to push it away. The thing barked loudly. I opened my arms and found both Champ and Princess sitting on top of me. I forgot Champ likes to lick me to wake me up.

I gained my focus, and found RK leaning against the door frame. He was serious.

"RK, what happened?"

"Interrogation time." He answered. His gun was now visible.

I wiped my face with the blanket. Now it had dog slobber all over it. RK signaled me to the living room. There were two chairs in the center. He offered me one of them, then sat down in front of me. He crossed his arms and his legs. I became slightly uncomfortable. To make things worse, he pulled out his gun and loaded it with more bullets. He saw my expression and laughed.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to shoot you. These walls could have ears, you know."


"First question: Why did you go into their den?"

"Champ sniffed something in that area. He lead me to that area and I got curious, so I peeked inside."

"Second question: do you know the leader's identity?"

"His name is sultan....and he has green eyes. That's all I saw of his face."

RK nodded.

"Third question: Did you hear any of their plans? Is there anything we should be worried about?"

"Yes. They are planning to detonate a bomb at 12 PM sharp."

"Damn! If only I caught their leader....then he can't give orders to the sleeper cells."

"What is a sleeper cell?"

"It's a terrorist that remains inactive in a certain population, the target, until they are ordered to act by their leader."

"So since their leader is roaming free at this moment....he can still order them."

"Yes. I need to inform the others." He said. He got up from his seat and grabbed the phone from the coffee table.

"Hello? Mukund. I've found out information about those terrorists. They plan to detonate a bomb somewhere in Mumbai tomorrow at 12 PM. I want you to send reinforcements and the bomb squad to every densely populated area in Mumbai. Go now!" He sounded like a commando.

Champ and Princess trotted out into the living room. There were barking and snarling at something behind me. I got up and turned around. A masked figure smashed through the window and pointed a gun at my head.

"RK!" I shrieked.

(RK's POV)

I heard Madhu's scream and whirled around. There was a masked man standing amidst the shattered glass pieces of my large window. Instinctively, I pointed my gun at the center of his forehead and shot him. He staggered back. I shot him again, right in the chest. He fell out of the broken window, plunging 20 stories down, hitting the ground hard. Madhu ran into me and hugged me. She was frightened. I stroked her hair to calm her down. I wasn't good at consoling.

"RK....who was he?!"

"One of his men. They are targeting you now because you are aware of their plans."

"I'm scared."

"Don't worry. I won't let them get to you." I assured her.

Her breaths were quick and her heart was thumping out of her chest. Champ and Princess nuzzled their faces against her leg, in an attempt to calm her down. They whimpered in fear.

"Madhu...I'll just be back." I told her, breaking away from the hug.

I investigated the area where the man was standing. There I found a crumpled piece of paper. Something was written on it. I picked it up and read the writing.

"Imperial Gardens Hotel. 12 PM." It read. I finally found a clue. I crushed the paper in my fist and threw it to the side. I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello RK?! What just happened? I heard a gun shot."

"They found the girl who gave me the information. One of their men came to kill her."

"Are you two okay? Do you need an ambulance?"

"No no we are fine. But I did find the location of the explosion tomorrow."

"That is good news....where have they planted the bomb?"

"Imperial Gardens Hotel. It's the one tourists prefer to stay in. Five star hotel."

"Alright....I will send the bomb squads there. We have to find that bomb before 12." Shouts were heard in the back.

"Okay Mukund I'm hanging up the phone. Good luck."

"Thanks RK."

(Madhu's POV)

The dogs had resorted to licking and nuzzling me to death. My fear vanished with their playfulness. Soon I was laughing on the coach, like no one was trying to kill me minutes earlier. RK approached us with a smile.

"Look at you! All normal and happy again." He said.

"Dogs make everything better." I said, laughing.

"By the way, do you know how to use a gun?" He asked abruptly.

"Sort of. My aim is terrible."

"Goal number one: I'm going to train you in shooting."

"Let me guess.....self defense?"

"And maybe taking down some big bad terrorists." He flashed me a wild smirk.

"So I'm officially a part of this mission? What if I get bored? I'm not agent material...short attention span."

"Yes.....and as long as I'm in it with will never be bored."

He walked to the cabinet next to the large tv and opened a small compartment inside of it. He pulled out a shiny gun and loaded it with fresh bullets. He tossed it to me.

"This is yours for the time being. I will make you a professional." He declared.

I played with it in my hands. It was heavy, but looked of good quality. I was afraid of merely holding it in my hands. I set it down on the table.

"This is going to be fun." He said.

He set up a target on the wall that had nothing on it. He was about to demonstrate when suddenly his phone buzzed in his pocket.

"Unknown number?" He said, confused.

(RK's POV)

I answered the call. The person on the other line was snickering to himself.

"Who is this?"

"The only enemy you have."

"What do you want Sultan?"

"You know my name I see.... What else did she tell you?"

"Who's she?"

"Don't play games Rishabh Kundra. I know that girl Madhubala is with you at present. Er.....I mean was."

"Then let me inform you that she is still alive. It's your man that is dead. Bullet through the skull. Fell at least 20 stories. And then splat. Sad way to die."

"Doesn't matter....I'll still succeed in my plans. You never find me."

"We'll see who will win and who will lose. I will catch you faster than you can count."

"Is this a challenge?"

"Maybe it is...." I said. He hung up on me.

"You don't know who you are messing with Sultan. I won't let you hurt Madhu or the innocents staying in that hotel."

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