Chapter 5

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(RK's POV)

"What are you saying Viren?!" I yelled into the walkie-talkie. "What happened to Madhu?"

"I found the bomb in the bathroom. Her bracelet was on the floor. I'm pretty sure it was hers, because her name was inscribed on it. She wasn't in there."

"I'm sending the squad over. How much time is left?"

"15 minutes.." He answered.

"Okay. Over and out."

I set the device down and rubbed my forehead. Madhu....why did you leave without my permission. We reached the mall quickly. The police showed up as well, controlling the shoppers and keeping the situation under control. The bomb squad rushed to the top floor. Bathrooms, just as Viren described. I went after them and found Viren holding Madhu's bracelet.

"How could you let her out of your sight?! And how did you find this bomb?"

"Champ started barking at a suspicious man. We followed him go into the mall. Madhu checked in this area and found him putting the bomb in place. She informed me and I rushed here. She was taken by then."

"All clear RK." The squad gave us the thumbs up.

"Thank God." I said in relief.

They cleaned up the stuff and secured the area. The mall was empty, all the shoppers standing outside. They were all fearful of the turn of events.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the situation is under control. You are all safe. Nothing to worry about."

I was about to board the van when a little boy came up to me and grabbed my hand.

"Sir....listen to me." I bent down on my knees.


"There's a lady in trouble. I saw her and her dog come in the mall, but a big scary man kidnapped her."

Madhu.....I needed to know more.

"Where did you see them?"

"Through the back. He was dragging the dog out too. He put them both in the back of a battered up van."

"Did you see any license plate number? I asked calmly.

"Yep. Luckily I have a great memory. The number was MH- 4R38DH.

"Thank you so much." I hugged him and hopped into the van.

"Take it back to headquarters from here. We need to find that terrorist." I ordered.

(At headquarters....)

I searched for the license plate number for its owner. The faster I found it the better.

"Any luck RK?" Mukund asked.

"Almost." I was concentrated on finding that owner.

I pressed the enter key and waited for the information to load. A picture of a man with curly hair and a beard. He had a dark and plump face. I signaled Viren over.

" this the man?"

"Yes! That's him." He said.

I searched the address from the information. Not too far from my house. He must be hiding somewhere, celebrating his success without knowing that he made a huge mistake in fleeing.

"Let's go." I loaded my gun and got up from the chair.

(At the house...)
(Madhu's POV)

Champ was awake again and trotting in front of me, weaken from the effects of the tranquilizer. He growled at anyone who approached me. But he didn't bark. The man put a muzzle on him to prevent him from doing so.

"...okay I'll move her. That RK won't ever be able to find her." I heard him say.

I fought at my restraints, to the point where my wrists were bleeding slightly. The man came back with two more people and dragged Champ and me with them.

"Urrghhhhhhh..." I tried to yell, but the gag forced me to stop.

"There's no point in fighting girl. You'll be dead once we are finished with you." He growled.

RK....where are you?

(RK's POV)

We sped the van down the road to reach the house. It was fun down. The windows were broken, and there were cobwebs adoring the wall corners. Dust flew out of it like a tornado. The car with the same number was parked outside.

"Check every nook and cranny. They have to be hiding somewhere ." I positioned myself with my gun.

I kicked open every door, only dust and torn up boxes. One of the rooms had an astonishing find. Champ's leash. I grabbed it to make sure it was the same. Sure enough, it was.

"Any sign RK?"

"They moved them. We're too late. How the f**k did they know?!" I kicked an empty metal carton that was lying at my feet. It crashed into the crumbling wall.

"What will happen now?"

"I won't rest until I find those damn terrorists! Move out everyone. It's time for a new strategy."

We moved out in groups, walking cautiously outside to avoid a possible ambush. I heard a ticking sound from the car. A very distinct sound. That of a bomb timer.

"Get back! NOW!" I shouted. We all went back inside.

Seconds later, the car exploded. Luckily it was an isolated home. No one was injured. The entire entrance was doused in flames.

"Mukund, call the fire brigade."

"On it." He pulled out his phone and dialed.

"Sultan.....I will get you and all your followers. You will pay for taking Madhu away from me."

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