Chapter 9

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Minju went to school early as per usual. The brunette's mind was just packed with the plan she had for today—answering Yujin. She was walking without watching where she was going and unintentionally bumped into someone, causing her to land on the floor while the other person turned and glanced at her.

"Minju?" Minju gasped in pain as she landed butt first. When she managed to gather herself, she looked up and saw a familiar face.


She hastily stood up and overlooked the latter's hand which was idling, waiting for her to grab on it. She quickly retreated her hand and smiled at Minju.

"Long time no see," Minju said while dusting off her skirt.

"Yeah, long time no see."

"You study here?" Minju asked while tilting her head since she hasn't seen this girl in ages, probably about 5 years. Ever since Chaewon moved out of the neighbourhood when they graduated from elementary school, they practically lost contact with each other as they didn't have phones back then. But they weren't that close to each other in the past, merely classmates.


"Ahh, I see. What class are you in?"


Minju nodded and jerked forward when she felt someone's hand going over her shoulder.

"Minju-ah! I've been looking everywhere fo—who's this?" Yuri stood up properly and faced the black-haired girl.

"Hi, I'm Chaewon, Kim Chaewon. Nice to meet you."

Chaewon extended her hand for Yuri to shake. Yuri looked at her weirdly before smiling and accepting her hand.

"She's my elementary school classmate. We haven't seen each other since then." Minju said while clasping her lips together. There's a little history on Chaewon's side that Minju doesn't know of. The latter was fond of Minju when they were in elementary school but never gained the chance to confess. She actually moved back to this neighbourhood recently too, that's why she's in this school.

"Ahh, I see. Well, see you around then. We have to go." Yuri quickly ended the conversation without Minju apologizing to Chaewon for bumping into her earlier. Minju just let Yuri drag her to class. Chaewon just watched Minju get pulled away.

Long time no see...

Once they reached the class, they went to their seats. Once again, Minju could hear the piano melody resonating throughout the hallway.

It must be her again...

Minju just let herself drown in the lovely sound waves she hears, smiling unintentionally until Yuri smacked her table.

"Yah!" Yuri shouted which made Minju blink profusely before snapping back to reality.

"Why are you in such a daze for and why are you smiling like that?" Yuri asked while she and Yena looked at Minju with a pink tint appearing on her cheeks.

"N-Nothing. What were you saying?"

"I was saying, have you given your answer to Yujin? You told me you were going to soon."

Minju took a deep breath and spoke.

"Y-Yeah, today."


"Not now!" Minju knitted her brows together when Yuri spoke loudly, asking her to keep her volume down.

"Then what? Later?"

"Mmhm..." Minju hummed and nodded which made Yena grin and look at Yuri. Well, Yena still doesn't know the answer yet, neither does Yuri. Minju only told Yuri she was going to give her an answer today, but not the exact answer.

Uncertain Feelings, JinjooOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora