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A/N : This is my second book, my first one being the four marauders, any votes are appreciated, on this story, and on the first book, as mentioned. So that's it really... vote, comment, read, share. Goodbye!

editor: @/pearljams (livi)



"Avada Kedavra!" Lord Voldemort roared.

"Expelliarmus" Harry yelled. Their red and green spells collided with each other, much like a magnetic force. Harry strained against Lord Voldemort's stronger, more leathal spell, there was no spell like the killing curse.

Lord Voldemort was weakening. and he knew it.

Harry knew he had conquered over evil, Harry had won. He started to feel happier, like a great weight had been lifted of his shoulders. He allowed himself to think if all the good things that had happened. Hogwarts. Ron. Hermione. Ginny. His owls. Being Accepted on the quidditch team. Team captain. His parents. All of these thoughts combined, brought a smile to Harry's battered, gashed face. One more final push of effort than voldemort would be mortal, he would die.

Many people had tried to kill him, and died in the prosses, for they did not know the full extent of the Dark Lords powers, all who had tried, did not know of the Lords protection, they did not know that he had produced horcruxes. not just one, but seven.

It happened, but it wasn't as Harry expected, it wasnt like an ordinary death, Lord Voldemort started to disintegrate in front of Harry's eyes. The disintergration started on his serperpent like face, and travelled down his cloaked body, he was slowly turning to dust.

The Dark Lord, who had murdered many, and nearly came to power of the wizading world, was now turning to dust. his body turning into ashes.

Harry had done it, finally the dark Lord was vanquished. Harry couldnt beleive he had done it, the young boy from the cupboard under the stairs had vanquished one of the worst dark wizards of all time.

The dark lord was vanquished.

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