Hiyori Shiina- Department of Literature (Modern)

Katsuragi Kohei- Department of Medicine

Albert Yamada- Department of Nursing

Kakeru Ryuuen- Department of Education

Ryuuen's choice surprised everyone. Never had anyone expected Ryuuen to want to become a teacher.

Honestly, he felt a bit concerned for the students he was going to teach. When Katsuragi asked him about the topic, he replied by saying "The little shits back at home, started talking back to me. If there is no one to pound there faces in while they're young, the country is gonna go to hell in a few years." No one knew whether it was the real reason or not, but Shiina seemed proud of his decision.

 His dormmate Albert, took nursing which strangely seemed to fit for everyone that knew him on a personal level. 

Katsuragi took medicine which was probably had something to do with his sister and her illness. It was not a topic he was going to pry. 

Hiyori told everyone that her dream was to become a famous novelist. Everyone seemed to agree with this as they all knew her love for literature.

Sudo was a special case. He took Japanese literature even though he had zero interest in it. His main priority was to play basketball and studies would be second priority.

Ike and Shinohara took Japanese and International Culture studies in the Department of Letters. Another easy course but with tons of opportunities like writing for newspapers and magazines.

Kei was just interested in Biology and was happy to know he would be taking medicine too. If he had to ask himself why he wanted to take medicine as his course, his first reason would be because of Kei and the other would be because, although he had learnt everything there was to know about the course he did not have any of the practical experience doctors had from practicing on cadavers.

Asahina-senpai then gave them their ID cards which would be used by them to enter the all the buildings. It had a barcode on it and it would be scanned, kind of like the ones at the train station.

It was now almost 10 and their first morning classes would begin. Asahina-senpai hurried off with Albert following her as they were headed to the same location. Everyone else started going in different directions to their classes. Talking with Katsuragi and Kei,  Kiyotaka walked to the Department of Medicine building which was a large building with 4 floors .


The lecture hall was a huge area with a high ceiling. The professor was standing on a raised platform in the front of the hall and there were desks around the platform in an arc on an upward incline.

The three were sitting in the third row, when Professor Subin took out a skeleton. A model of course. These skeleton bone sets were exact replicas of the human body and extremely useful for medical students but they were very expensive.

"Lets have a small test. Just 25 questions. Simple one-word answers, you'll have 15 minutes and the winner gets Rick, the skeleton."

She passed the question papers down the rows. When Kiyotaka got it, he scanned through the questions to find they were all easy, for him that is.

All the questions were obscure tiny facts that no one would generally pay attention. Well even he didn't pay attention to it back when it was taught in school, but he had already learnt it much before that.

He decided to score 20 because there was no reason for the highest scorer in the country to always get the highest marks.


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