Alithios' Post-Battle Dialogue Part 1

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With Azurda:

Dialogue 1:

Azurda: "You came a long way since 500 years, Alithios."

Alithios: "So long as I have my mission, I cannot be complacent for a moment, Azurda."

Dialogue 2:

Alithios: "Azurda, Are you certain you should be in Rex's helmet during combat?"

Azurda: "Even I question the decisions I make, Alithios."

With Rex:

Dialogue 1:

Rex: "Did you see that, Alithios? That was- Ow! What was that for!?"

Alithios: "Keep your guard up until the battle is truly over, Rex."

Dialogue 2:

Alithios: "You still have much to learn, Rex. Perhaps it's time to increase your training."

Rex: "Oh come on! I'm still sore after those push-ups, sit-ups and squats you forced me to do!"

With Pyra:

Dialogue 1:

Pyra: "That was wonderful, Alithios. Absolutely splendid!"

Alithios: "Thank you. You are amazing yourself, Pyra."

Dialogue 2:

Alithios: "I will ensure that you remain safe, Pyra. On my honor.

Pyra: "Thank you. That means a lot to me, Alithios."

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