"You are so right. I did not realize that till you said it. That is the first thing we have agreed on in a while. Oh, wow. Wow, that is pretty funny." For you or for me?

"I guess mostly for me." I looked at her weirdly. "I can't read your mind, dumbass. You just said that out loud." Oh, shit. I pinched my arm, and when I felt it, I felt relieved. I wasn't dead. This is good. I said that out loud, and I am still alive. I must be a cat, and I probably just used one of my nine lives to save my ass there.

"Dear Lord, are we ever going to fucking get there?" I groaned out. "I am so bored." Chloe just gave me a look.

"You are such a child. Do you know that? Mila literally has three kids instead of just two." I was offended.

"I am not a child, nor do I act like one." I was defending myself at this point.

"Look at you." She gestured to me. "You are literally pouting right now because I said you were a child. And not but a minute ago you were complaining about how you were bored... Child." I could feel myself pouting more but immediately wiped the expression off my face. The last thing I need to do is give her more ammo.

"Whatever. You know you're bored too. We've been walking for hours." She stopped on her own without me stopping her like I did earlier and looked at me. Her look was ferocious.

"We are on a mission to find a way to save everyone's life. Including your wife's." She poked me in the chest. "Get your shit together, Emma. This trip isn't supposed to be fun. It's serious! One of my best friends, no more like my sister's life, is on the line. So, how about you focus on that." She then pointed to her head. "The thought of Mila dying or you or Julian or Jazmine or your kids or my mom or anyone we love is what's keeping me going. It's my drive right now, and it should be yours too. Think about if we don't find this witch and fast your wife, your kids' mother, your fucking soulmate could die." She ripped into me all the way to the bone. I was left speechless and feeling like total shit. I felt like a fucking scumbag.

"You're right. I'm sorry. Let's keep going." Nothing else was said, and we just continued our journey.

It was soon night, and here I thought that there was no way these woods could get any darker. Well, I was completely wrong. Not only was it pitch black, but you could feel that the temperature had dropped by at least twenty degrees. Chloe had cast some magic to were a couple of orbs of light hung above us. I didn't need them to see in the dark, but she did. Then, all of a sudden, the lights went off.

"What's going on?" I looked over toward Chloe, and she shushed me. I became extremely quiet and focused on everything around me. I took in everything I could hear, smell, and see. It was eerily quiet. Too quiet. I then heard a twig snap. I let my vampire side fully take over. I put Chloe behind me to where she was between a tree and me. That way, nothing could try and come from behind and grab her. I heard a bit of breathing from behind some bushes about ten feet away from me.

"I can hear you. Show yourself, now" I could hear the deadly growl in my voice. I was prepared to kill if I needed to. No one was going to harm me and especially not Chloe, and with her being pregnant, my vampire side was extra protective. "I said show yourself!" My voice boomed out in a commanding tone.

I heard the bush rustling a bit and saw a wolf make its way slowly out of the bushes. It looked up towards me, briefly making eye contact with me. I took this as a threat and intensified my eyes as a rumble was heard coming from my chest. The red specks in my eyes were glowing so brightly that I could see the illumination from them. The wolf's head snapped down immediately. The wolf then slowly lowered itself to the ground, trying to show me that they were no harm.

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