•t w e n t y t h r e e•

Start from the beginning

"Nah, we've got big plans Eb. Now let's go before we can't leave."

They had dinner under the stars that night, Ebony couldn't believe he'd rented out the Hilton's rooftop restaurant and hired a live symphony to play their song U Move, I Move by John Legend. As they feasted on steak and lobster, she couldn't help the feeling of content that swirled in her gut. She could get used to surprises like this.

They didn't speak much until dessert came out but it didn't bother her. She and Kevin specialized in comfortable silence; they could sit for hours together just enjoying each other's presence while they did their own things. She'd never had that with anyone before and she didn't think she ever would.

"You scared me when you called earlier." Ebony admitted " I thought this was the last supper or something like that, I don't know I never heard you sound so serious."

Kevin shook his head at her statement before he took her hand in his.

"Ebony Briana Scott why are you always worried about us when we're not going anywhere. I told you, I've got you and Kash and I meant that. I imploded my entire life, and from the moment I saw you I knew I was willing to do that because you are my soulmate. Ebony, I've never met anyone like you, and I probably never will. I don't know what else I can do to show you that I'm all in but I can promise that I'll try everything until you realize that this is it."

"I know that it is Kevin, but I don't know, sometimes it feels like you're not mine. Like I stole you and that will always be there. Zoë will always be there because Kyrie is there and she's a beautiful child who loves you very much."

" And I love her too but I'm not her mother's, I'm yours Eb. Kyrie and I will always have a relationship but you're giving me a son. We're building a family and that's what I want. Kyrie will always have me, but she has her father, and she adores him. I love you and I can't wait to build a life with you. Let me do that. Look at the stars Ebony, because every time I did when I wasn't with you and I had to make a choice, I knew that I was making the right one by choosing you."

Ebony glanced up at the sky, the stars were breathtaking and following Kevin's sincere words they filled her with warmth. Suddenly, a plane buzzed by with a banner which had a simple message on it Ebony, will you marry me? Her heart stopped.

Turning to Kevin , she found he wasn't there anymore but rather in front of her on one knee. In his hands a red velvet box held one of the biggest round diamonds she'd ever seen surrounded by rubies. It was a gorgeous ring.

"Ebony Briana Scott, will you do me the honor of being Ebony Briana Durant? I honestly can't imagine doing this thing called life without you and I don't want to waste any more time when what I need is right in front of me."

Her eyes watered as she rocked back in her chair before she jumped into his arms.

"YES, yes, yes a million times yes."

Yara tried not to feel hollow when Ebony had detailed the proposal but the butterflies, the excitement and the glee were things she couldn't relate to. Jordan asked and she accepted because it seemed like a sensible decision.

Moving off Jordan's lap , Yara ventured over to the coffee table and retrieved her phone which was vibrating. It was none other than the source of her confusion.

"Hey Q, any word from Payton about the venue?"

"Damn, not even a how are you, huh?" Q laughed "I'm doing good Yara, what's good with you?"

Quincy's voice flew into her ears, prompting an eye roll. She wasn't trying to stick around any longer than she had to.

"Planning and work Quincy, the usual, now back to business. What's happening with Nevada?"

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