Part 5 : Tournaments

Start from the beginning

NOW!!! For the Tournaments as we have first off, World from the sand Village & Zumo From the Leaf Village!!!!!

*Everyone in the stadium starts cheering*

"Ok let's do this." (Zumo confidently says)

"Goo get'em" (Uzu replies)

*Inspirational music*

*Zumo steps into the field with his eyes wide open.*

*Zumo looks at Sasuke looking at him. Sasuke nods his head at him*

Zumo looks at his opponent with immense control.

YOU MAY.....BEGIN!!!! (The Shinobi Shouted)

Zumo charged towards his enemy, faster than he had with Sasuke. He delivered a spinning kick at Worlen, who managed to dodge and grab hold of Zumo's shirt, tossing him to the ground. However, Zumo used a wind-style jutsu to propel himself into the air just before impact. As he soared through the air, Worlen unleashed a Fire jutsu at him, but Zumo's shadow clone grabbed him and threw him out of harm's way.

Zumo then activated his Sharingan and engaged Worlen in a fierce Tai jutsu battle. Worlen threw two kicks, a spin kick, and a right hook, but Zumo skillfully dodged them all. When Worlen threw a right hook, Zumo dodged and held his elbow, and then attempted a genjutsu. However, Worlen was able to see through the illusion and struck Zumo in the face and rib cage, sending him flying into a wall.

Despite the setback, Zumo refused to give up and ran towards Worlen. He brushed off his shoulders and charged at Worlen once again. Worlen anticipated Zumo's moves with his Sharingan and pulled out a come-back stick, but Zumo's shadow clone rushed at him. Zumo also threw two Shurikens into the air, and as they fell, he used a wind-style jutsu to throw them at Worlen with incredible speed. Worlen was hit by one of the Shurikens, leaving him vulnerable to Zumo's final knife blow.

In a sudden move, Zumo teleported behind Worlen, causing him to flinch. Worlen turned to face Zumo and swept his stick at him. Zumo teleported into the air, and Worlen responded with a jump kick. Zumo then teleported under Worlen, causing him to turn a 180 in mid-air and strike Zumo repeatedly until he was defeated. As Worlen looked at Zumo's body, crows started flying out of him, leaving him confused and questioning what had just happened.

Zumo responded with a serious tone, "You may have believed that you had defeated me, but at the moment when I teleported behind you, you looked me straight in the eyes, and you were already under the influence of my genjutsu." Worlen asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

The real world

"Umm well Zumo Has WON!!!!!" (The Shinobi Celebrated)

"Lets goooo!!!" (The Boys Screamed)

"I knew you had it in you all along" (Sasuke emplied in his head)

Zumo falls on the floor in tears happy he did it...

Zumo gets back to the locker

"Let's go bro I'm so happy for you man." (Kurai said)

"Yeah that was sick." (Kakudai responds)

"Good job Zumo" ( Shiroi Answered)

"We will have to do that 1 on 1 again." (Uzu replied)

"You bet!!" (Zumo replies)

*Tv Plays*

As we continue we have Jūden Hatake Vs Deminchi Duro

Good luck Jūden! (The Boys Shouted)

*In The Ring*

Once you say you're out your out. No staling, and Gadgets. YOU MAY BEGIN....!! (The Sensei Explained)

Jūden surveys his opponent, quietly contemplating their Jutsu as he watches intently. Suddenly, Jūden hurls a Kunai knife towards Deminchi, who effortlessly deflects it with a steel plating on his wrist. Jūden deduces that Deminchi's strength may lie more in Tai Jutsu than in Ninjutsu. Swiftly, Deminchi charges at Jūden with incredible speed and teleports behind him, but Jūden reacts quickly, blocking a kick from Deminchi. Jūden then executes a nimble backflip and launches shurikens at Deminchi. While Deminchi manages to block one shuriken and grab another, he tosses it back at Jūden. In a flash, Deminchi teleports over his shuriken, retrieves another from his pocket, and expertly ricochets it off the first shuriken he threw, creating a resounding clang as they collide.

Jūden yells out in pain as his eye is sliced by Deminchi. Deminchi approaches him, and Jūden screams and tries to defend himself. In the ensuing fight, Jūden manages to dodge Deminchi's attacks and uses a Fireball Jutsu, which burns him in the process. Deminchi becomes frightened that Jūden's attack was a Shadow clone, but Jūden manages to catch him off-guard and land a few blows. Deminchi throws shurikens at Jūden, but he dodges them and continues to attack. Eventually, Jūden uses a Chidori to defeat Deminchi.

And Jūden Hatake won!!!!!! (The Sensei shouted)

*Jūden looks up to his dad and smile*

*While Kakashi does the same*

*The Bois happy with great cheers*

*To Be Continued*

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