Part 5 : Tournaments

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"Today's the day, Tournaments I'm so pumped." (Zumo Happily said)
"Yeah, I finally can show my true power" (Kurai Replied)
" you know what ima clap everyone's cheeks in theeeee....."( Uzu replies as he gets seduced by someone walking by)
"Hello guys, my name is Ashurī and I will coordinate you to your room." (Ashurī Emplied)

Zumo asked, "Hi, I'm Zumo. How old are you?"Ashurī responded with a flirtatious tone, "I'm 14 ;)"Uzu whispered aggressively, "Dude, relax. She's mine.""I made the first move, don't be nervous," Zumo responded intensely as they stared at each other."STOP! That's enough," Ashurī raised her voice."You guys are acting so immature," Shiroi implied."Hey, let's channel that energy into the ring instead," Kakudai suggested, trying to calm everyone down.

*The Boys in the locker room*

"Alright, let's approach this strategically and put up a good fight, team," Juuden encouraged."Agreed, we need to fight hard," Kurai replied."Well, if anyone's feeling anxious, I could always perform another sexy Jutsu," Zumo said with enthusiasm."No way!" everyone shouted in unison."Okay, okay, I hear you. How about I give you all a kiss instead?" Zumo suggested."Get out of here," Kakudai laughed in response.

*All The Boys laughed*

"Mmmm..... I wonder who is going to fight first though." (Kurai Answers)
"Someone here might have to go First." (Shiroi Replied)

*Tv starts playing*

Greetings, esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen! It is my pleasure to welcome you to a fresh and exciting year of Jonin Tournaments. I would like to express our gratitude to the Hokage and the other four kage for their invaluable contributions in making this event possible.


"Who is it!!!" (Zumo asks)

*Ninjas from the cloud came in*

Shiroi questioned, "What are you doing here?"

"Just checking out the competition," Ziro replied.

"Hmm... You guys seem weak," Shiroi commented.

Zumo stood up in anger and declared, "I'll show you weak!"

Kakudai stepped in to calm him down, saying, "Hey, hey, hey, take it easy, Zumo."

Ziro suggested, "I guess you guys are scared."

Uzu teleported behind Ziro in an instant and warned, "Scared? You better start walking or you're going to get paid."

Ziro aggressively responded, "Ayo, what's your problem, bro? You got beef?"

Zumo retorted, "Get the hell out!"

Ziro mocked, "Oohhh, what are you going to do, Zuummother?"

*The Sounds of the Sharingan immense*

Zumo implied that he could make Ziro's life miserable while he had him trapped in a genjutsu, repeating "you, you, see, see, I, I, can, can, make, make, your, your, life miserable, life miserable."

Suddenly, Ziro's team snaps him out of the genjutsu and asks if he is okay. Zumo forcefully asks if Ziro wants to continue playing, to which Ziro nervously replies with a smile that he is sure he wants to continue.

Shiroi compliments Zumo's genjutsu skills, to which Zumo happily replies with a "thank you."

Tv Continued Playing

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