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Feminist approaches are being emphasized in the study of international relations in the post-cold war world. These approaches have presented 'gender' as the main theoretical tool in studying global power relations in international relations as a tool for creating alternative world order.

The content and major issues of international relations according to feminist approaches such as war, conflict, diplomacy, international law, global expansion of trade and commerce, state, market system, national interest, national security, human rights, the refugee problem, nuclear resistance, world peace etc. In the context of the effects on women must try to see.

One of the main reasons for the increasing prevalence of feminist approaches in international relations is the increasing number of feminist movements on a global scale. Declaring 1975 through 1985 as the Women's Decade under the auspices of the United Nations and the organization of four International Women's Conferences globally in the years 1975 through 1995 brought women-related issues into the core of national and international politics.

Today, there is an increasing tendency to expose gender inequality and injustice-atrocities relentlessly in the international security environment and foreign policymaking process.

Women have always been in a state of loss in comparison to men and due to the paternal system concluding that they had to remain under men. A male-dominated system is a form of social structure in which women are dominated and exploited by men.

In the male-dominated system, the basis of social and power relations is domination and control over women by men. It is found in various institutions and structures at the family, state and international levels.

The principles of politics and international relations give a central role to men and women are given a secondary place in the state system. Throughout history, the concept of man has been associated with the notion of power.

Feminist thinkers reject this notion, according to the traditional theories of the state are descriptive and support the male-dominated structure of the state. The state ensured male supremacy at the top of the governmental system and established a disproportionate number of men in the institutions of the use of force, such as the army and police in a state structure.

In El Salvador and Vietnam wars, about 80 per cent of vegetation was destroyed, so women had to endure unprecedented hardships to supply food and energy. The Gulf Wars and the sanctions imposed on Iraq also made women helpless victims due to international politics and state-specific policies.

A striking feature of the 20th century is the emerging form of Feminism. Today it is trying to formulate a theory and organization structure, however, as a strong movement, its prospects are bright.

Despite being effective with the time of the above thinking, geography still appears to be male-dominated; each geographical scene is considered a symbol of the thinking and understanding of man however it ignores the thinking related to women. Discrimination based on gender is the result of human thinking. It credits men for developing the present scenario.

Even today the influential section of society ignores them. But it is so clear that the balanced state of geographical development of the state cannot be achieved without their cooperation. If the right hand of the human body is male, then the left hand is female, and both can't work without meeting each other.

Today, research work related to the study of women in geography has started getting a boost. The development of new branches of geography, especially of human geography, such as ultra-reformation geography, behavioural geography, is proving to be a milestone in the direction of accepting their importance in society.

Some branches of feminism closely follow the political leanings of the larger society, such as liberalism and conservatism, or focus on the environment. Liberal feminism seeks individualistic equality of men and women through political and legal reform without changing the structure of society.

Pro-feminism refers to the support for feminism that is not a member of the feminist movement. The term is often used to refer to men who actively support feminism. Activities of pro-feminist men's groups include preventing violence against boys and young men in schools, offering sexual harassment workshops in workplaces, running community education campaigns, and counselling male perpetrators of violence. 

Pro-feminist men are also involved in men's health programs such as men's studies and the development of gender equity curricula in schools. Sometimes feminists and women's organizations come together to support domestic violence and rape crisis centres.

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Thanks to Samuel_Verk695 for wonderfully editing this chapter! You can go check out his books by the link in the comments section! 


Ishwari394 ^_^

Happy Reading!

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