Chapter 19

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(Quick A/n: Buckle up readers this is  going to be a longgggggg chapter. Hope you enjoy!!!)
(Your POV)
Pika Melody and I are all in the car with the others heading to where the phantom troupe was spotted. When we make it we all see a member of the phantom troupe taking out the mafia, and the rest hanging around on a cliff face. After a few minutes of watching the fight, the Troupe member opens his mouth and let's out a... yell? Scream? Roar? We all covered our ears. When I looked back at the fight the entire mafia was dead. I hear a scratching noise and a big ugly slug person comes out of the ground asking who we are. We tell him and he tells us we should leave to avoid getting hurt. We nod and he leaves. We continue to watch completely disregarding his warning. I see slug dude and three others start to attack the Troupe member. As the battle goes on I hear the others discussing who the people are. They finally come to a conclusion that it's the shadow beasts. I roll my eyes and look over at Pika. His eyes are red and he looks furious. I walk over to him and just kinda stand there because I don't know what to do. As He starts to walk towards the fight, I realize he's going to do something stupid. One of the guards asks what he's doing and he replies "I'm going to go kill the Phantom Troupe." We all get in a big argument which leads to me being a concerned girlfriend and calling him back. Which he doesn't listen two. I start to feel more and more helpless as he gets farther away, but then Melody starts to play this song on her flute. I calms Pika and he walks back. When he gets back he gets scolded by all of the others but then he sees me. I can sense his fear from where I'm standing. He slowly walks over to me and I proceed to smack his head. "You IDIOT! You could have Gotten yourself KILLED." He looks down and mumbles a 'sorry' to me. I sigh and give him a hug. "Just don't do it again ok? I can't lose another person who's important to me." (If you remember in the character info, y/n made a friend who took her in but then drowned a year later. And her parents) He nods and we wait till the fights over. Pika then jumps up onto a mountain thingy, and uses his chains to capture the Member. I smack my forehead, because I just told him not to do it again and he did. The other just kindof shrug and say to use him for information and then give him to the proper authorities. Pika wanted to be in charge of watching but I was instead because pika would have killed him. I put the member, who's name turns out to be Uvogin in the car, and then I get in the divers seat. I start to follow the others, and Uvogin says "your Hisoka's sister right?" I answer "yes..? And what of it" "Hisoka's a part of the Troupe." "Where are you going with this" I say starting to get agitated. "You wouldn't mind helping out one of his team members... would you?" He says in a sly tone. I regret having to do this. I look at him a bit and laugh. "Hisoka may be part of you little Troupe, but I'm not and I don't owe you any favors, so no."
He starts to think for a bit and then speaks up "I can promise you and your little chain using friends safety from when the troupe goes to kill you all for taking me" I roll my eyes " look I already said no so please be quiet." I notice that the other troupe members are on our tail and I use my walkie talkie to tell the others. After a little while they disappear though. Uvogin continues to annoy me the entire way back to the hotel. When we get there, I walk over to Pika and hug him. "Pika he's soooo annoyinggggg" he gives me a sympathetic look and says "I know he is. They all are" I nod and sigh " we should probably help the other get him out, shouldn't we" pika sighs and nods and we walk over to the big dude. We get Uvogin on a table strapped in so he can't get out. Pika starts to ask him some questions but I leave because I can't stand to be near Uvogin any longer. As I'm walking out I decide to get some coffee and sit on the roof.
(Timeskip brought to you by Chrollos book)
I look up at the sky and sip my coffee as I wait for the others to be done with Uvogin. I wonder if it was a bad idea to not accept his deal... no no I can't thinking like that. We'll all be just fine. Right? Still I don't want to lose anyone again after I lost Maria...
I look at Maria as we walk to the lake and smile. She looks at me. "Y/n? Why are you smiling like that?" "I'm just so happy that I met you and we became friends! I don't know what I would do without you" we get in the water and start to swim around. I see a sign on the other side of the river. It's warning about strong undercurrents. I kinda shrug it off and we continue to mess around and I forget about it. Maria starts to swim into the center of the lake and then I realize I forgot to tell her. "Hey Maria!" I yell. I watch her slip underwater and didn't think much of it until she doesn't come up for a while. I swim out to where she was and she resurfaces while I'm about halfway there. She looks like she's struggling. "Y/n!!! Help me!!!" She yells out. "I'm coming!!! Please hold on until then!!!" I swim as fast as I can but she goes under again and doesn't resurface. I get to her spot and call out her name, and I look underwater only to see her slowly floating down. With my last ounce of strength and hope I swim down and drag her to shore. I do cpr but she's already gone... I didn't make it...
(Back to the present)
I shudder at the thought of her death. I suddenly feel the need to make shore Pika is alright and go down to the interrogation room.
On the way I see Pika walking to the stairs. I run over to him and give him a big hug. "Hey Pika. Where are you going?" He looks over at me and smiles. "I'm just going to meet someone" I tilt my head abit. "Can I go?" He looks conflicted but eventually speaks "um ya I guess you could" I smile and jump on his back. "Ok Pika! Onward and upward!... or downward in our situation" Pika laughs and starts down the stairs. When we get to the bottom of the stairs, Pika starts to jog abit and eventually he puts me down. "Ok y/n, I need you to walk for abit is that ok?" I nod and hold his hand and start forward. I glance back at him and notice he is blushing. I smile and let him take the lead since I don't know where the heck I'm going. We go to an abandoned amusement park and start to walk around until we see cards falling to the gradine by the carousel. I instantly recognize the cards because I have an identical deck. I get a little excited and exclaim "Hisoka?" "hello little sister" he says smirking. I run over and give him a hug. " I haven't seen you in forever! I told you to come visit me and Pika sometime! But you never did! I missed you!" I say. Hisoka hugs me back and I jump down from the wooden horse I was sitting on. I walk back to Pika and listen as they do there little thing. Pika and I suddenly receive a message from Melody saying that Uvogin has escaped and Dalzollene, our leader is dead. I say a hasty goodbye to Hisoka and say I'll see him soon. We run back to the hotel and Melody explains the situation. I rush upstairs to check if Miss Neon Is ok and she is safely asleep in her room. I go back down and we discuss what to do. We elect Pika as the new leader and he calls Miss Neons father. I sit and get a little nervous because now Uvogin is going to come for the rest of them. Uvogin isn't going to kill me because then he'll have to deal with Hisoka, but nothing is going to stop him from going after Pika, Melody and the others... Pika comes back after a bit and we all go to bed with the exception of the person on watch. I take first watch and kinda just walk around and make more coffee. My shift ends and I wake up Melody to take over. I lay down and go to sleep next to Pika. I'm woken up by rustling and see Pika standing up for his shift. I smile and stretch bout taking his side of the couch bed. I wake up again and get ready for today. We protect Miss Neon and Pika figures that Uvogin will come and so we move Her. I stay with Pika and we wait to see if Uvogin actually come. I was hoping he wouldn't but of course he does, so Pika and him decide to have a one on one fight. I stare abit dumbstruck at how fast this escalated. "Ok ok, if you two are going to fight I'm going." They both turn to me as if just remembering I'm there. Pika shakes his head "no, no your not. It's between him and I and I don't want you to get hurt." I laugh "it's funny you think you can stop me. Now let's go" I walk out of the building and head towards the spot where they are going to fight. Pika sighs and follows me and so does Uvogin. When we get there I jump onto a cliff to watch. I sit down and they start. I watch as they hit each other until Pika catches Uvogin in his chain jail. Pika demands to know more about the troupes abilities and locations as Uvogin struggles. Uvogin doesn't give any information and only tells Pika to kill him. Pika gets mad and he puts a judgment chain around Uvogins heart and asks again. Uvogin then smiles and tells Pika to 'get lost' which makes the chain kill him. I jump down and land next to Pika. "We need to bury him." He sighs and nods and we bury Uvogin. We all back to the hotel and talk for abit before Pika takes a shower. We go to sleep so that we're not zombies tomorrow. I wake up and Pika is still so I go make us breakfast. Pika wakes up and we get ready since Mr. Nostrade Is coming today. When he arrives he tells us that the auction is going to continue even though the shadow beasts are dead. He says that the Ten Dons have hired professional assassins to kill the Phantom Troupe and that he wants Pika and I to Join them. We agree and I make lunch.
(Timeskip brought to you by Neons tantrums)
Pika and I are attending the meeting for the assassins when I see none other then Silva and Zeno Zoldyck. I nod respectfully acknowledging them. I'm Hisoka's sister and he works with Illumi a lot so I got to meet them. And also when we went for Killua. This guy, Zenji starts to trash talk Mr. Nostrade and Pika jumps in to defend him before I could so I just give Zenji a death glare. He flinched abit and so I stand back satisfied. We get the information and we get in the car to leave. I receive a call from Melody, informing me that Neon has ran away when they where shopping. I tell Pika and Mr. Nostrade freaks out. He calls the cops and Pika uses his Dowsing chain to show that Neon is already in the Cemetery building. Mr. Nostrade calms down abit and we drive the rest of the way back to the Cemetery building. Halfway there Mr. Nostrade receives a call that Neon is now in the hospital. He drops us off at the Cemetery building and leaves. When we look at the building, it's chaos. There's dead mafia everywhere and fires. Pika and I decide it's the Troupe. We help clean up and are about to go find the Phantom Troupe when a person comes and says the Troupes bodies have been found. We go over and see them. Pika and I then go to the auction. We have to bid 2.9 billion dollars to get the Scarlet eyes that Neon wants. I look at Pika "you ok?" He looks at the eyes he's holding. He looks back at me "yes" I hug him and we go to the hospital. On the way Poka almost Kills Zenji. That was fun. When we get there Mr. Nostrade gives the eyes to Neon and Pika looks like he just got run over by a truck which he then destroyed but regretted it. He goes to the rooftop and I follow him. I give him a hug and say "let's go back in. You'll catch a cold" he nods and we go back in. Pika calls Gets a call from Gon and Killua and they have a nice, non civil conversation. I do manage to say hi though. Pika hangs up and I look at him. "It's going to be ok, ok?" He nods. "ok"
(Word count: 2348)
(Sorry that took so long to get out 😅. I think that the next chapter is going to be the last chapter in this book. There might be to much for just one chapter though so there might be two left? Maybe 🤔? Well anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter! As always, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES. HYDRATE OF DIEDRATE. EAT A CARROT OF SOMETHING NUTRITIOUS. GET GOOD REST. ~Author)

Hisoka's little sister (Kurapikaxreader)Where stories live. Discover now