Chapter 14

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(Your POV)
As Pika and I walked away from the others I looked at him and asked "What are the eyes?" He looks back at me and sighs "as you know my name is Kurapika Kurta and I am the last member of the Kurta clan. My clan was massacred 7 (?) years ago by the Phantom Troupe-" "Wait the Troupe did it?!?!?" He jumps away from me and his eyes turn red "you know the Troupe?!" "Hisoka's a part of it!!!!" He nods a bit. "That would explain what he said to me in our fight" "what he said..?" "He asked me if I wanted info on the Troupe..." "oh" "wait your not part of the Troupe are you?" "No no no that's Hisoka's thing" "ok good" he says relaxing. His eyes go back to his normal color. We keep walking in silence. "So you plan to whatever the Troupe took from you back at the action? Knowing the Troupe they did take something" "yes. They killed my entire clan and took their eyes. The Scarlet Eyes are one of the 7 prettiest colors in the world." "Oh... I can see why" and again silence. "I'm sorry"
(Timeskip brought to you by Illumis pins)
We arrive at a weird rundown city and I look over at Pika, confused. "What are we doing here?" "If we're going to get the eyes we need money and clearance. And we get that here." He points to a weird building that looks like it could collapse at any second. I nod after a second a we go to the building. When we get in we go up a few floors and walk into a room with an ugly girl seated at a desk with a bookshelf behind her. She looks at us and asks "can I help you?" Pika answers her "yes we are looking for a job, but it needs to be in Yorknew City on September 1st. Do you have any?" She laughs a bit and answers "I have clients who wouldn't mind hiring amateurs like you but let me ask you this" she holds up her finger "do you see anything above my finger?" Kurapika stares and and answers "no I don't see anything..." I use Gyo and see a weird monster thingy. I look at her and say "really? What does it even do?" She looks over to me and smiles "so, you know" "yes I do" Pika is looking at us like we're crazy, and asks "what? Is there something there?" "Yes Pika there is" I say. The lady sighs and says "look, it was very insightful of you to actually find this place but I cant give you a job until you can see what's above my finger." We sigh and walk out. We walk down the street and Pika bumps into someone but doesn't realize it. I say a quick apology and run to catch up with him. And just our luck it starts to rain. We walk through the forest until we somehow meet the man Pika bumped into. The man pulls out Pikas Hunter license and does a weird speech about how Pika didn't realize yada yada blah blah. Pika tries to get the license back but fails. I step back and wait for them to be done. When they are Pika yells that he needs the license and to kill the Troupe and the man says that he will teach Pika Nen.
(Word count: 578)
(A/n: Yup. There it is. Your new chapter. I know it's short but uh ya training next. Where our dear Pika eats chains. And don't worry. Y/n and Kurapikas real relationship will begin 😌. And trust me when I say I am probably going to fail at writing it. So uh sorry in advance 😅 and as always, REMEMBER TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES!!! I'll see you in the next chapter!!! ~Author)

Hisoka's little sister (Kurapikaxreader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt