Chapter 7

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(Your POV)
We're all waiting for the fourth phase of the exam when a little purple haired dude comes out. He asks us all to draw a card from the bucket. He asks the first person who came out of the tower to grab a card. Hisoka walks over and reaches in pulling out a card with a sticker thing over it. After a few more it's my turn. After everyone goes he tells us to pull the sticker of the card. I pull mine of to reveal the number 301. Gittarackur. GREAT. I go over to a tree and smack my head on it. Multiple times. Kurapika walks over. "You good?" "yup perfectly fine" "ok..." we both walk back over to the group. I kind of hide behind Kurapika cause I'm not really Acquainted with the group. Gon smiles and waves at Kurapika. "Hi! Your back! Who's that?" Crap. "Oh you mean y/n?" He steps out from in front of me. Crap I ain't good in this kind of situation. I'm bouta die. Killua looks over "hey your the girls that had the knife" "yup" Gon looks at me "you had a knife?!" "Yup" "cool!" He puts his hand out for me to shake it. I do. "My names Gon! Nice to meet you y/n!" "Nice to meet you to!" Kurapika puts a hand on my shoulder. "The boats coming we should probably go." "Ok" I reply. We all walk over to the boat. And get on it. Obviously. On the boat ride a girl tells us the rules and what you have to do. Basically get your persons badge by the end of the time and your all set. Unless someone gets your badge. Then you need your badge or three other badges. After that we all kind of chilled. "Hey Kurapika?" I ask "yeah?" "What number did you get?" "204. You?" "301." "Gittarackur?!" "Shhhh keep your voice down. And yes. Him." Kurapika stares at me. "Get three different badges." "What?" "Get three different badges." "Why?" "I don't want you getting hurt!!! You are not going to go after him you hear me?!" "Ya ya" "promise me you won't go after Gittarrackur." "..." "promise me!" "..." "Y/N PROMISE ME.!" "OH LOOK WERE AT THE ISLAND IM GOING TO GO BYEEE" I say while running off. After everyone before me leaves I get to go. I waste no time moving off the boat and deeper into the island away from the other applicants. I start to figure out a plan to get gittarackurs badge. Ok so Gittarrackur has those pins so it might not be a good idea to go after him just yet. I also need to find that antidote flower. I start to wander aimlessly trying to figure out a plan when suddenly a rock comes flying at me. I dodge it and look in the direction it came from. Standing in the bushes is applicant #10. "What do you want." I ask. "Your badge" he says before he attacks me. I dodge and punch him in the face. The pain of the poison is getting worse so I have to end this quickly. I conjure my scythe and get ready to kill him. He goes to attack and I swing my scythe cutting his head off. I take his badge and leave the scene continuing to wander until nighttime when I jump into a tree hollow. I pull a blanket and pillow out of the bag I definitely had in the beginning of the exam and the author didn't just randomly add in. I make myself comfortable and go to sleep. The next morning I go and search for Gittarrackur I decided he would be around Hisoka so I go and look for a red head. No luck today. I get some water, eat, and go to bed. I wake up and wander some more until I see a little diamond carved onto a tree. I start to walk in the direction the tree is pointing in until I come to another tree with a spade carved into it. I start to walk in the direction that tree is pointing until I come to one with a club on it. I walk in the direction that tree is pointing until I come to Hisoka sitting under the tree with the heart on it. "HISOKAAAAAAAAA" "y/n? What's wrong~" "aside from that stupid poison and not being able to find my guy nothing." "Have you found the antidote to the poison~" "nope. But I know what it looks like." "What does it look like then~" "well it's a purple flower shaped like a star." "Oh like the ones over there?" He asks pointing to a patch of purple start shaped flowers. "YESSSSSS" I walk over and eat one cause I'm already poisoned if this isn't the flower it can't really do anything. I walk back over to Hisoka and sit. "Who are you waiting for?" "Nothing~" "your answers are always so confusing" "I know~" after a while we get up and walk over to a log. I sit while Hisoka stands. A few minutes later a dude comes out of the bushes demanding a fight. He's already half dead so I know Hisoka isn't gonna bother killing him. I see some pins fly and hit the dude. Finally Gittarrackur is here. "Sorry he must have gotten away" "no he probably had one wish to fight and be killed by me and you let him~Your always so soft Gittarrackur~" Gittarrackur rolls his eyes and walk out of the bushes and over to me and Hisoka. I wait until my chance arrives but when it does I waste no time taking it. I spring into action, taking his badge and running full speed away from him and Hisoka. I run for about an hour before stopping. Wait the poison it's gone. I don't feel the pain! "YESSSSSSS" I whisper yell. I decide I should probably try to find Kurapika. I start to wander some more. I have about 3 and a half days left on the island so finding Kurapika should be pretty easy. But I might want to go to bed so I do. And sadly when I said easy I was wrong. I only met him at the end point. Gittarrackur kept glaring at me though so I clung onto Hisoka's back while looking over his shoulder and hissing like a mad cat. Killua kept looking at me weirdly for some reason. Does he do the same thing? Kurapika walked over and hit me on the head. "Idiot!! You could have been killed!!!!!" "But I wa-" Gittarrackur is walking over. I jumped on Kurapikas back and hissed. "STAY BACK" I say. Gittarrackur stops and looks at Hisoka who shrugs. Hisoka walks over to me and pries me off Kurapikas back. I glare up at him. The blimp comes before Gittarrackur gets to kill me though. Thankfully. We all get on and wait for the 5th phase.
(Word count: 1171)
(A/n: Hi! I finally finished this chapter! I think I might do a fluff chapter next. What do you think? THANKS FOR ALL THE READS!!!!! Y'all I can't believe that there are so many!!! Remember to take care of yourselves!!! Eat, drink, and get some rest ok? Thanks again!!! ~Author)

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