"Sensei, what about the sensors that detect intruders? " Yaoyorozu said worriedly

"We have them but... "

"If the sensors are not triggered that means one of them is using their quirk to mess with it, they picked an isolated area away from the school, they also know when there's a class here, it's obvious they planned this"

After I said that everyone looked more worried

Aizawa told thirteen to evacuate, after that he left to fight the villains

My main goal today is to make sure Mr.Aizawa doesn't get hurt as bad originally, for now, I have to play along

As we were running for the exit that's when Kurugiri came, he separated us with his warp gate

And just like before I was with Momo and Jirou in the Mountainous Zone, the Villains that were in our zone came closer

Step 1: defeat the first group of villains while keeping Momo and Jirou safe, make sure to do it under 2 minutes

"Jirou, Yaoyorozu get behind me" told them with pure seriousness

"Kaminari what are you thinking, these are real villains" Jirou told me, I can tell she was scared which is why I need them to participate

"Just get behind me! " they both stepped backward

"Protecting your friends, how cute" said one of the villains

I charged at them with a streak of electricity coming out of each finger, I jumped over them making them look at me, I manipulated those streaks of electricity expanding them and wrapping it around the villains capturing them, I call this...

< Electric Whip >

After capturing them, I crossed my arms together sending a percentage of electricity through my Electric Whip

"Indiscriminate shock, 2.5 MILLION VOLTS! "

All the villains that I captured were now unconscious, I retracted my electric whips making the villains fall down

"YOU BRAT!! " a villain came out of the ground jumping towards me

'Dammit, I forgot about him!'

Jirou used her quirk to send a sound wave that threw the guy up and Momo made a net capturing him

"H-Hey, YOU DAMN BRATS" he struggled inside the net

I look at Jirou and Momo, "Thank you"
They both smiled

Then I jumped in the highest point of our Zone and saw a couple of our classmates and thirteen dealing with Kurugiri

Third-person POV

"I think you should both stay here" kaminari said jumping down

"Huh? " they both looked at kaminari confused

"Iida is with some of our classmates near the entrance, no doubt they're gonna try to send him to look for backup, meanwhile things aren't that good for Mr. Aizawa " He continued as electricity began to flow through his body making my hair go up

"Hold on- are you crazy!? If Mr. Aizawa's having problems with them, what makes you think it's a good idea to charge into a group of villains?!"

"Jirou's right Kaminari, you can't "

Kaminari looked at them dead in the eye

"Why not? " he said in a deep serious voice

They both looked at him shocked and worried

"We're heroes in training, we're gonna do all this stuff in the future and more, So why not just start now"

He looked at them one last time before going towards Mr. Aizawa

Step 2: Stop Shigiraki from destroying Mr. Aizawa's elbow

By using < Lighting Speed > Kaminari was able to get to Mr. Aizawa within 3 seconds

Shigiraki held Aizawa down, with his hand on Aizawa's elbow, Aizawa was resisting trying to fight Shigiraki

Then just as Aizawa's hair was about to fall Kaminari used his
< Electric Whip > to grab Shigiraki by the Chest and pulled him away from Mr. Aizawa,

Denki threw him as far as possible but somehow Shigiraki landed on his feet


"Aizawa sensei" Denki spoke cutting him off with the same tone he used while speaking with Momo and Jirou, deep and serious

Aizawa turned his head to look at the electric user

"I am a hero in training, I'm probably gonna face these kinds of situations in the future, probably worse, so... Why should I run away?... Especially when I KNOW I can help"

Aizawa was surprised to hear kaminari speak like that, not once has he had a student act like this

Aizawa looked back at the villains and said "all alright, just be careful"

Then Shigiraki came towards Aizawa and the other Villains attacked Denki

Denki used the same move I used in the mountain zone

The villains were caught in kaminari's <Electric Whip>, Kaminari put his wrists together


Soon enough the villains Denki caught were now unconscious

"Damnit!, Nomu!, Get Them!" Shigiraki exclaimed trying to get away from Aizawa,

Shigiraki jumped back and Nomu jumped in towards Aizawa, Kaminari saw this and used his
< Lighting Speed > to get to Nomu, He wrapped 2 out of his 10 whips around Nomu's torso and the other 8 around its head

Step 3: do as much damage a possible to the Nomu so that it's easier for All Might


Then a wave of electricity came out of Kaminari's whips shocking the Nomu, the color of the electricity, went from Yellow to Red to Orange

Meanwhile, Iida managed to escape and Kurugiri went back besides Shigiraki

Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta were watching from the sidelines along with the other students near the entrance, they saw the battle unfold right in front of them


Right after Shigiraki said that Aizawa charged towards him, with Kurugiri helping Shigiraki

Kaminari held his whips tighter trying his best not to let Nomu go as electricity was still shocking the Nomu

Somehow the Nomu managed to break free, kaminari was shocked but he acted fast when Nomu came Charging towards him, Nomu threw a fast punch right towards his stomach, Denki's eyes widen in shock but he still managed to manipulate his whips into some sort of drill form, blocking Nomu's punch, which sent him flying backwards

He used his whips as support so he can land on his feet

All of this happened within 4 seconds

The only thing the other students saw was a trail and flashes of electricity

The students that were watching POV

Is that really kaminari?....
going up against that monster

It's so fast, my eyes can't even keep up

So even after the battle trial, he still is yet to use his full power

What am I doing? He's fighting over there while I can't move......
I'm so scared ...

Please be Ok...

New chance at life //Denki Kaminari Fanfic (Ft.Kamijirou) Where stories live. Discover now