Chapter 5--- My sister and My boyfriend!

Start from the beginning

She said and sniffed.

I don't know but I find the story unbelievable. Yes, I don't have much memory but , I could tell when Beth is lying. I don't know why but she's hiding something, especially about how I ended up being shot.

But I say nothing.
Maybe I'm just confused and making it up.

" Why are you with Jayden?" I asked, trying my possible best not to yell, my hurt evident.

" He was just as devastated as me. He was always around and then when mom and Dad died, he decided to take care of me. I knew you wouldn't want me to be alone and sad so I agreed to marry him. We didn't know when you'd wake up.."

" Maybe you didn't want me to wake up"I blurted out.
" What?! No! Hazel, I know you and I were  mostly not close, we argued a lot and all but you're my Sister! And I love you so much! It's cold you'd think that of me "

Okay maybe I shouldn't have said that but hell, she isn't saying it all, I feel it.

" Jayden and I married and we have a son, Abel. He's adorable and you'd love him "She said and smiled sadly.

" I have a nephew?" I asked, touched. Well that's the best news I've heard so far.
Yes, I hate to find out my Sister and the LOML  ( note the sarcasm) married whilst I laid in a hospital bed near death!

Yes, I had hope of finding my parents alive and that just got thrown in my face
Yes, I feel betrayed and hollow but in all, everything happens for a reason right?

I've always been the type to bounce back from a pit.
So I'll do what I always do best, I'll move on and find happiness else where but not until I find out what Beth is hiding and WHY.


After almost two hours of talking, Beth and I made for diner. It felt awkward. Jayden is still in shock and so am I but I think Beth spoke with him so he's Okay now.
He looked tensed though and he wouldn't stop looking at me.

I ignored him.

But how should I feel? I wake up from Coma to find my Sister married to my boyfriend and I should be dancing around?

I'm pissed, scratch that, I'm irritated but then I know Jayden and I dated for six months before I was shot.

I do recall some few facts.

My nephew is beautiful! He's such an angel. He and I hit it off. He's only four but he sure acts above his age.
He's glad to have a " pretty aunt " so he says. He's so small and adorable. He showed me all his toys and their names! Damn I can't remember all but I'm trying.

Can you believe he said "you're bumb if you forget their names!" I thought I didn't hear him but he repeated it.
I'm officially addicted to him.

I haven't seen Hagel but Beth says he left. I guess to his place.
I asked why he doesn't live in the main house and Beth says he chose not to.

He and Jayden looked nothing alike to be brothers, that's why I'm not surprised they are step brothers.

But I don't remember Jayden ever saying anything about a brother?

Damn I'm sure he never took me to see his family, he was always pissing his parents off and so he'd always  give an excuse to not to take me to see them.

I guess I didn't care then. I was always in for fun and never ready to settle and going home to see your boyfriend's family meant you're ready to settle... and I wasn't.

But I loved him. Darn I loved the guy.

But how come I never heard of Hagel?
Then again, Jayden wasn't the type to talk about family.
I haven't spoken to Jayden...I mean, what will I say?

Hey? How's it marrying my Sister? And oh,  nice son, I wish he was mine?... duhh.
So I just ignored him altogether.
Beth says Jayden and Hagel' parents would be here tomorrow to spend the weekend. Damn, I don't even know it's weekend.

I'm given a room upstairs and it's breath takingly beautiful.
Beth showed me around the house and gave me a couple of her clothes to wear, promising to go shopping with me the next day.

However, before we retired for bed, Rosita brought me lots of new clothes as ordered by Hagel... his honor
They were beautiful.

Why doesn't he sleep here? I guess am being too curious. Yet, I couldn't shake of the thought of it.

He looked to not be in good relationship with his brother and then I think he doesn't like Beth much. But that's ridiculous. Bethany has ALWAYS been the sober-lovie dovie, adorable, lady like one.

All the boys at school loved her. She was so soft and obedient though the eldest daughter. Me on the other hand is like a bad tooth ache. I was and still is feist and stubborn, got that from granny, says mom.

I miss them. So much. I wonder how life would be if I hadn't been shot and been in a coma. What would I be now? ... I guess I'll never know.

" Hmm" I sighed deeply, lying on the bed and looking up the high ceiling.
It's dark and the house is silent.
I'm tired and should rest but I can't. I kept thinking of so many things and I try so hard to remember shit but I couldn't.

My head started to throb so I forced myself to stop thinking and after an hour or so, I drifted to sleep.

Tiana ♥️

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