"Well, I think that girl is trying to kill me!" Lady Imogen exclaimed. We all looked towards her, our expressions mostly similar. It seems only the children were interested in the letter.

"What are you on about, Mother?" Albert asked, bouncing his little boy, James, on his knee. Helen was reluctantly on bedrest. She confided only in Abby and me, but she was expecting—again. We weren't to tell anyone until after the New Year—after Abby gave birth.

"Katrina is expecting another baby—and it has been born in Canada!" She cried. "What am I supposed to do? Who knows what the doctors are like over there!"

"My love, you're being a bit dramatic." Lord Derek uttered, cuddling Marie to his chest. Lady Imogen huffed, throwing the letter on the table. She pulled Edith onto her knee, fixing her little braids.

"Edith, is Nanny being dramatic?" She prompted, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Edith shook her head, pressing her forehead into Lady Imogen's neck. "See, I'm not being dramatic."

Lod Derek muttered something under his breath—something about Edith not knowing Nanny for the past 30 years. I snickered at them, hoping that one day Daniel and I would bicker like that. Mark squawked, his little fist hitting my chest. It was nearing his bedtime, and soon, Matthew and Edith would need to go to bed with their cousins.

Mr. Jacobs entered the room as I was ready to collect my children. He wore a sly smile, but wasn't sure why. Lord Derek and Lady Imogen shared a look before addressing Mr. Jacobs.

"My apologies, but there is a visitor in the front hall. Should I turn them away?"

Lord Derek stood, shifting Marie to his hip. I adjusted my straps and stood as well, my heart racing. I prayed it was Danny trying to be funny. Isa stood as well, her thoughts aligning with mine. Lord Derek glanced at us, finally making his decision.

"No, we shall accept them. The girls and I shall come with you." The four of us left the dining room, Isa and I gripping each other's hands. If it truly was our husbands—well, it'd be a Christmas miracle. On a good day, the halls of this house only took mere moments to maneuver. Yet, when the love of one's life returns from spending months abroad, the halls turn into never-ending roads. I could have fainted when we reached the front hall. They were home. Lord Derek embraced them quickly as Isa and I stood there, utterly shocked.

Danny nearly knocked me over in his pursuit of me. He kissed me thoroughly, my knees buckled nearly from just his touch. He pulled away, his eyes glistening with tears. He stood as close as he could, given that the baby was between us. Daniel touched his head, laughing softly.

"When did this happen?" He questioned, peeling back some of the wrap to look at Mark's face.

"October 3rd," I whispered. I glanced down at Mark, his eyes wide as he stared up at his father. "Edith thought he was her birthday present."

"He," Daniel breathed, slowly kneeling in front of me. "What name did we chose for him?"

"Mark James Goddard."

Daniel smiled as he pressed a kiss to Mark's head. He stood slowly, using my arms for support. He still struggled with his leg. He was supposed to use a cane, but I suppose that he had left it with his father for the moment.

"Hello Mark," He whispered. "I won't miss another birth—never again." He promised me. I nodded, leaning into his frame.

"Come, Edith and Matthew will be so excited to see you." I took his hand, trying to pull him towards the dining room. Daniel stopped me, tugging me towards the front parlor. Lord Derek passed him his cane, which he leaned on.

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