Wake up... Wake up... Please just wake up... 

'Valentina, come here.' It's like my mind is playing tricks with me. 

There's no way he could've gotten into the house unnoticed. There's no way he's here. 

Because he doesn't care. He told me that the day I left. 

And he meant it. He meant it with every part of his messed-up soul. 

'You're not real.' I whisper, slowly stepping away from him. 

He grabs my arm and pulls me closer, making me panic a little. 'Let go of me.' 

'Tell me what's going on? Did they brainwash you or something?' Oh god... 

I pull my arm away and take a few steps back, looking at the gorgeous guy in front of me. 

'Valentina, it's me.' No... It's not. 

It's what I wanted the first few days. For him to save me from this hell. 

But it's not as bad as I thought. 

'You're not real though.' He frowns again, looking at me as if I'm talking complete bullshit. 

'What the fuck are you talking about?' He asks, raising his voice a little. We're too deep in the forest for anyone to hear, but loud enough to make my heart beat faster. 

I hate dreaming about him, because it makes me think about him for a few days. Just as I'm trying to forget him. 

Because he's not worth it. 

The last time I dreamed about him, he killed Neveah and Leon, and then acted like nothing ever happened. 

I woke up sweaty and threw up, but that was a while back. 

And now, just when I thought it would be over, here we are. 

The Rio I know wouldn't talk to me if we were still on the island. He would probably ignore me until we were in the air, or maybe until we got to land. He would certainly not risk staying here any longer than necessary to get me back. 

Would he even look for me? 

Probably not. 

Or maybe he will, but not willingly. 

Maybe Neveah forced him too. Or Leon. 

'Look, Valentina, I'm not going to risk it. Get moving, or I'm leaving you here.' He snarls, before heading deeper into the forest. 

That is something he would do. 

But I know it's not real, it can't be. 

I mean how- Wait. 

'Is this a dream?' I know it's a stupid thing to ask my consciousness if it's playing games with me, but it's worth a try. 'Valentina, just start moving.

Suddenly this doesn't feel like a dream. Suddenly this feels like reality. Like it's actually happening. 

I run after him, almost losing him because I stayed behind for so long, and feel the urge to hug him from behind. Just because I can. Because he's here. 

He's fucking here. 

It's not like these people have been treating me like shit, I hate to admit it, but I had fun here, but I want to go. I need to go. 

And Rio is my way out. He came to get me. 

'Keep up.' I try my best to not lose him in the forest, it's dark and cold and wet, meaning it rained last night. 

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