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"Where to now, mama?"

"Mystic Falls."

"Mystic Falls?" Sanlea repeated.

"That is what the witches native to the area call it," Pearl recalled, "I received a letter from Katerina saying she would be moving there soon. We passed through there about three decades ago."

"But it doesn't seem like it would attract Katerina's attention," Sanlea commented, "It was a place of peace not...bustling with activity like New York."

"Yes, well," Here Pearl's expression soured, "According to Emily a wave of colonizers is on their way to Mystic Falls and Katarina isn't far behind."

Sanlea's expression soured too.

"If we're there first do you..." Sanlea faltered, "Do you think we can protect the indigenous peoples to that area from the colonizers?"

"...I hope so," Pearl sighed, "Harper, do you need to gather anything before we go?"

"No, Miss Pearl," Harper smiled softly.

"Okay then," Sanlea smiled awkwardly, "Mystic Falls...here we come."

-- -- -- -- --

When the family of three reached Mystic Falls they were greeted with open arms by the indigenous witches, humans, and werewolves.

The vampires melded into the community with ease, everyone was happy and united and life was peaceful. 

Everything changed...when a flow of white people came washing over the town. People got sick and died, others were killed and forced from their homes and Harper, Pearl and Anna, scared for their own lives didn't fight back.

-- -- -- -- --

It had been several years since the 'settlers' of Mystic Falls arrived.

One of the witches native to the area, Emily's brother, had put a spell on Sanlea to make it appear that she were aging as a human. This meant she got to be a child again and was aging naturally all the while still, for the most part, immortal.

Sanlea appeared physically, a few years younger than Stefan Salvatore of one of the 'founding' families. She had never been particularly close with Stefan but Damon was always kind to her and always gave her little trinkets of gifts.

Life was...good...but it wouldn't last.

-- -- -- -- --

Sanlea, physically appearing to be ten was watching over their apothecary while her mother and Harper were in the back gathering some supplies.

The reincarnated queen's head popped up from the flower crown she had been making, in her first life Edmund taught her to make them and...she liked making them, when she heard the front door open.

"Hi!" She chirped, "Welcome, how can we help you today?"

"Hello, little one."

The man who stepped into the store removed his hat, smiling warmly at the vampire who couldn't help but smile back.

"My name's Johnathan Gilbert."

His smile widened and Sanlea's did too...how could she have known that this man would ruin her life?

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