Although it had been just a short line, it had allowed her to acquire an important skill. No matter from how long ago the man had died, he would forever be her Master!

Cloaked in the enveloping silence within the misty fog, Qiao Chu and the others waited patiently as they looked at Jun Wu Xie. After hearing her words, their faces all broke into a smile.

As Jun Wu Xie's voice faded into the mist, the stone house which had stood erect for god knows how long, suddenly gave a shudder and the stone house that had sheltered Jun Wu Xie in the past days suddenly collapsed in a moment!

The blocks of stone fell and shattered upon the scorched and blackened ground, kicking up a big billowing cloud of dust.

Within the cloud, Jun Wu Xie thought she could faintly discern the stalwart figure of a man, illusionary and surreal, seemingly with a smile on his face. However, the dust quickly fell and settled, the figure disappearing quickly into nothing.

Chapter 682: "Escape from Heaven's End Cliff (7)"

The one who had been trapped for years at the bottom of the cliff, living in an environment unfit for humans, and finally dying filled with regrets in that place, never to be able to leave the hell that claimed him. All that he wished for, yearned endlessly for, was only to escape from this nightmarish prison.

Jun Wu Xie had always believed, that when a man died, his spirit remains.

That momentary illusory figure might have been a figment of her imagination, or it could be that that man's greatest wish had finally been granted and his spirit liberated.

But regardless of what that was, manifestation or not, she would bring the silver ring out of that place, which would also mean bringing far away, the last trace that man had left behind in the world away from his accursed hell, granting the long awaited release from the binding chains that had the man's spirit trapped, to finally rest in peace.

Jun Wu Xie got up slowly and turned around, her face completely calm, as she walked towards Qiao Chu and the others.

The blocks of stones that lay in a scatter over the scorched and blackened ground was gradually being covered by the foggy mist. Maybe after a few centuries or even a millennium, they would also disappear completely from the world, where no one would ever find a single trace that the stone house had once existed.

The journey back, would be much easier than when they had made their way here traversing paths unfamiliar and foreign to them.

Even with the all encompassing misty fog surrounding them, Fei Yan was still able to accurately point out the direction they had come in, even knowing which areas were safe for them to step on, through the sinkhole filled boggy marsh.

The companions travelled through the heavy fog, slowly returning to the point they had first stepped on, when they came to the bottom of the Heaven's End Cliff.

At the sight of the ropes still hanging down the cliff's face, all of them could not help themselves but break into smiles.

"Finally! We are leaving this accursed place!" Qiao Chu turned to look back at the thick swirling mist and said. This particular adventure, would forever leave an indelible mark in all their memories.

They were leaving, but there would come a day that they will return to this place once more.

Tearing through the layers of mystifying fog, and finding the Dark Emperor's treasures!

Before climbing up onto the ropes, Jun Wu Xie and everyone else used the spirit powers to check the condition of their ropes. After making sure they were still secure enough and able to hold their weight, they quickly jumped up onto the ropes and planted their feet firmly on the cliff's surface and began to climb up!

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