Having Drunk Lotus go inspect the area greatly reassured Jun Wu Xie. After she finally managed to relax a little, she then took a little time out to check on her own unhygienic injuries.

The injury to her left leg was the most obvious one, and besides that, the great jarring force from when they had been forcibly thrown far out had caused some rather severe injuries to her body as well and she was feeling the pain in several places all over her body, with the sore ache on her back being the most obvious.

What she found most fortunate was, although she was covered all over with many wounds and injuries, at least not a single one of them was fatal.

Jun Wu Xie stuffed the lotus seed Little Lotus had left behind into Lord Meh Meh mouth and washed out down Lord Meh Meh's throat together with Water of the Heavenly Spring, hoping the the Guardian Grade Spirit Beast's might would be enough to help Lord Meh Meh pull through.

Not too long after, Drunk Lotus returned. He did not manage to find any of the others but he did discover an old stone dwelling, that looked like it had been abandoned for a rather long time.

"Stone dwelling?" Jun Wu Xie asked, with an eyebrow raised. A stone dwelling at the bottom of the Heaven's End Cliff?

"Yes, but it look like it has been abandoned for a rather long time." Drunk Lotus added.

Jun Wu Xie narrowed her eyes in thought. The stone dwelling's existence was rather strange, but it must be said, in regards to her current situation, any form of shelter that shielded her in any way would be a most welcome place for her to go to.

Chapter 673: Stone House (1)

The black beast carried Jun Wu Xie and Lord Meh Meh on its back, following behind Drunk Lotus to go to the stone dwelling he discovered earlier.

From the outside, the stone dwelling did not look big. The stone structure was extremely simple and crude, built up by simply piling up various pieces of stones of different sizes together.

Several pieces of stone slabs littered the inside of the structure. There was no bed nor any table or chair, but the mere fact that such a stone dwelling existed at the bottom of the Heaven's End Cliff was really queer.

The small little stone structure, although hopelessly inadequate, would nevertheless at least block out part of the chill.

Drunk Lotus raised his hand and several large broad lotus leaves appeared in his hand. He extracted and absorbed all the water from them, turning them into dry leaves and laid them one atop another in a corner of the stone structure. As the quantity of dried lotus leaves increased, as more and more were produced, Drunk Lotus finally created a bed out of a pile of stacked up lotus leaves.

Although lotus leaves were not soft and in fact was slightly prickly, but under the current vile situation, they would at least be able to prevent the chill in the ground from seeping into the body.

Jun Wu Xie took out a few pieces of clothing from the Cosmos Sack and she got Drunk Lotus to lay them on top of the lotus leaves before she sat down, still carrying Lord Meh Meh in her arms.

The loosely laid lotus leaves might not be all that comfortable, but they still provided a sliver of softness, and if composted to sitting upping the cold hard ground, it was many times better.

Sitting upon the lotus leaves laid over the ground, Jun Wu Xie put the Spirit Fire Globe on one side. The white mist was very thin within the stone dwelling and at the side of the doorway, a huge stone slab stood standing. Drunk Lotus shifted it easily, closing up the opening.

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