Assassin for the Starks. Part two

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For Laura5SOSxo hope you like this part as much as you liked the first :)

Being in the castle at Riverrun was an extremely strange experience. You had scarcely spent time inside the walls of castle grounds let alone sleep and eat inside the keep! For several days you had been resting your knee and allowing the Maester to take care of you. The Maester, with his long clanking chain, was very softly spoken and was always putting different ointments and oils on your knee. Maester Vyman was good to you but he just added to the strange experience and made you feel even less at home. Without even being aware of it.

After four days of resting, healing and eating it was finally time to ride for The Crossing. The day could not have came any sooner! You had just about had your fill of dressing in Catlyn Tully's fine second-hand clothing and dining on rich meats that made your stomach bloat to three times its' ordinary size. At least you were able to ride fairly comfortable with your knee now but, it still hurt when you mounted and unmounted your horse. At dawn you had donned your travelling clothes and made your way to the stables. You were one of the first people who were setting out that day to prepare your horse.

When you were just finishing up saddling your horse the squires started arriving ready to set up their knights mounts. Slackers. You guessed that you had about an hour before you would be expected to gather in the courtyard, why not go for a ride before hand; you could give your horse a run before she would be expected to trawl along in a train all the way to the crossing. It took you a few minutes to mount up with your injured knee but once you were up you were off.

The gates were already open so you just trotted out and then headed for the open fields at a gallop. To the east was the river and marshlands but to the west were open fields that hadn't yet been plowed because of the war. It felt good galloping in the open again. being cooped up in a castle wasn't good for you. You had been brought up on a farm and spent most of your time outdoors. That was where you belonged. You galloped up the small rise, excited to see the view of the sunset from here, when you almost galloped right into another horse.

You pulled viciously on the reigns prepared to give the other rider what for! What experienced rider would ever pull up their horse at the top of a steep sloping hill where other riders cannot see them. Also, where other riders can barely pull up their horse in time before there is an accident. Then you looked at the person for the first time.

Robb Stark.

"Y/n! I did not expect you out here this morning. Why are you ready so early?"

"Robb!" you almost shouted in your surprise. "I was simply giving this poor girl a run before we set off on our journey to the crossing for I know travelling will be slow and my girl will get bored and impatient."

"I understand. That was one of the reasons I came out here too." As he said this he patted his horse on his neck. Grey wind was standing beside him enjoying the view it seemed. It was strange how ever other person in Riverrun appeared to be petrified of the dire wolf. You had loved him from the first time you saw him! He was large, yes, but he was also as soft as a stuffed bear and loved having cuddles. It was strange seeing Grey wind for the first time because when you first met Robb he was not there but since we got to Riverrun the wolf never left his side. Now it was strange to Robb without the beast.

"One of the reasons..."

"Yes. As you well know, I spurned my promise to Lord Frey and I do not feel that he has forgiven me as easily as he is making out to."

"Robb, don't worry! You are the King in The North. Just make sure that everyone takes his salt and bread and doesn't get too drunk."

"That's easier said than done. Many people who are going to that wedding would like to kill a number of people who will be there. And, it's a wedding! Every man in my company will be drunk before midnight. That's before the wedding even begins. Y/n just make sure that you take his bread and salt, as will I, and we shall try and make the best of a bad situation. Luckily I have managed to convince Jeyne to stay here whilst we attend the wedding. I am glad that I have you to share my company with otherwise I would be extremely bored and lonely."

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