Assassin for the starks

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Laura5SOSxo how's this? :)
Please point out any errors to me so that I can correct them. Enjoy!! :)

You were 15 when blood dripped from your dagger for the first time. Sweat was dripping down the back of your neck and your hands were shaking.
It was exhilarating.
You felt good. Your heart was pumping and adrenaline was racing through your veins. That day was when you knew who you were going to be.

Your first kill was for your family.

4 days earlier.

You were a family of farmers who harvested enough to get by. You sold mostly cotton and milk but you also sold some wheat and corn. It had been a tough month that month. Hell. It had been a tough season! Spring had been very wet. Everyone knew that this would be the season you and your family would make it. The rain would give the soil plenty of water to grow and a wet spring meant a moist summer. This was your year!
That was when the war began.
The crops were growing beautifully in the field when one day a man Lannister colours stomped up to your doorstep.
He was huge! He barely fit under the front porch. He wore a red and gold cloak with huge lions across the back. He also wore a thick steel helmet that covered his whole face. All that was visible was his eyes. And they were black. The pupils didn't end. They simply had black circles surrounded by white. No colour. Always a bad sign.
The big man handed over a notice then laughed.
That was an evil laugh. Deep and throaty, it sounded as if the man had smoked more than enough tobacco in his life time.
"This is but mere formality peasants. I wouldn't believe for one second that you could read the notice I just handed you. It's an eviction notice. From the TRUE king Joffrey. He needs these lands to raise a camp for his army. You are in the way. He's being to nice offering the pennies that he has. You have four days to pack up your cheap, tatty items and be gone."
Then he stomped away without so much as a farewell. That was only the beginning.
When you got into the house you took the notice from your father and read it aloud to the rest of your family. From when you were a small child the neighbouring farm taught you how to read. They learnt from a cousin who was a 'prentice at the citadel. He was to because a maester.
"You will receive 8 gold pieces for all of your land and you will be grateful."
Evidently the Lannister Man though you would only be able to work out the number. He would be in for a shock. He did not want the land for the king, he wanted the land for himself. That was not going to happen.
The next day he came to the farm as a little reminder of what would happen in 3 days. You wouldn't listen.
When he arrived at the door you threw the note at him and told him where to put it before slamming the door in his face.
That did not please him.
Through the door he shouted, "I will be back in 3 days and if you have not removed yourselves then I will remove you." All of your family held their breath until you heard him gallop away on his horse.
Your parents started packing and getting ready to leave. This was not acceptable.
On the fourth day you knew what you had to do. In the early hours of the morning you had scouted out the camp of Lannister men who were only a short way down the road from your house. You spotted the big man immediately.
You waited.
And waited.
Finally, when the sun was rising the big man got up to make water. He walked right next to you. Not two feet away from you he pulled down his trousers and started peeing in the grass. Now was your chance.
Slowly you walked up behind him, the dagger that you had found in your fathers draw was in your hand. Your hands were shaking so much that you thought you were going to drop it. Then everything happened so fast.
You stabbed the big man in the neck, the dagger went in right to the hilt. As you pulled it back you felt it scrape the bone. The last thing the big man saw before he died was your cold unforgiving eyes.

Over the next two years you became more skilled at assassination and you learnt to use a variety of weapons. You were rich. A good number of lords and ladies paid you well for your services.
Then one day a stranger entered the tavern you were advertising yourself in. It was very odd to get strangers in the boiled duck so every person in the tavern silenced and watched the stranger walk directly to me. He leaned over and put his lips directly next to my ear.
"We need you speak in private my lady, important matters need to be discussed."
No stranger to discretion you followed him into the barn outside. You were not afraid you were hiding enough weapons to arm a small army under your cloak.
"What is it you want of me? Tell me your story and your offer, then I will consider."
You spoke with complete impertinence, unaware of whom you spoke to.
Slowly he reached up, as he did so you loosened the knife in your belt. He gripped his hood with what appeared to be strong well worn hands. Then he pulled it away.
You knelt down less than a second later.
"I am sorry my lord. Your grace! I would have never..."
"Stand my lady, I am not here for that. I am here to ask for your help."
What on earth did Robb Stark, the king in the north, want with a low born girl like you?
It soon became clear.

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