With the power of one man and one army, taking on the entire Middle Realm, that was such a glorious and impossible accomplishment!

With the Dark Emperor as powerful as that, how did he die so suddenly?

The stronger one's spirit power was, the longer his lifespan was extended. An indigo spirit would already allow one to live beyond a hundred. While Qiao Chu and the others had never met the Dark Emperor, and did not know how powerful he actually was, they nevertheless knew what kind of powers the twelve rulers of the Twelve Palaces who were suppressed and subjugated by the Dark Emperor held.

In their eyes, the powers of the twelve rulers of the Twelve Palaces were almighty and the fact that they had to defer to the Dark Emperor told them on no uncertain terms that the Dark Emperor's power superceded the combined powers of all the rulers.

The Dark Emperor's passing, had always been an unacceptable fact to many.

"No one knows." It might be the darkness and anxiety that caused the youths to be so tensed they began to transmit their voices, to somehow reassure themselves that they were not completely alone within the suffocating darkness.

However, Jun Wu Xie's voice cut in suddenly.

"If you don't want to fall, what all of you should be doing is to hold on to your ropes tightly, and not get so curious about a dead man's business."

Just as Jun Wu Xie's voice faded into the darkness, Qiao Chu and the others who had just descended a few more metres suddenly felt a strong gust of wind rush past them from within the blinding mist!

Chapter 663: At the Bottom of the Cliff (1)

The wind was blowing at a very high speed and they were powerful gusts. Suspended from the rope, Jun Wu Xie started to swing. All she could do was to curl up her body and pivot her entire body weight onto her feet pressed against the cliff face.

The sudden cold and strange wind blew for a while before it stopped. But not longer after that, the wind kicked up once again!

Without any specific rhythm or pattern, the wind seemed intent on dislodging all of them to make them fall into the eternal abyss. With the companions already in an torturous situation before, the wind became another agonizing obstacle for Jun Wu Xie and her companions to overcome.

[They need to speed up!]

Jun Wu Xie drew in a deep breath. Faced with the chillingly low temperature while navigating the treacherous wet and slippery cliff face, having to maintain the ropes frost free with something in the mist draining their spirit powers constantly, and now with the erratic strong wind trying to dislodge them from their precarious positions on the ropes, made all the companions start to feel alarmed, and incredibly tensed up.

Constantly and persistently tortured by the elements, Jun Wu Xie's mind was stretched to its limit.

Not just her, even if the much more highly skilled Ye Sha and Ye Mei were to fall off into the seemingly bottomless abyss, the result would still be certain death!

Caught within such terrifying circumstances, the strength and power of men seemed miniscule and insignificant.

The power of nature, was not a force livings things were able to oppose!

Buffeted by the strong winds, all of them held on tightly to their last vestiges of sanity, and sped up their descent towards the bottom.

After an unknown period of time, Ye Sha and Ye Mei finally felt something other than emptiness beneath their feet. They could suddenly feel the ground as their feet landed upon it!

Genius Doctor Black Belly Miss (Part 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu