Bloopers (because I'm bored)

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Jason: Wait,...Where's Barbra?

They turned around then suddenly their friend came from the ceiling and fell face first on the ground. 

Jason/Kyle: Barbra!

The two help their friend while the Scps from the side of room were laughing their heads off.

Me: *whispers* Oh my freaking god...Who forgot to tie the rope around her waist.

A guy was slowly leaving the set while I was talking. 

Me: Could someone give her an ice pack?!


The guard pointed at Y/n walking towards an mammal then kneeled down to it and petting it ever so softly.

Dr. I guess it's a safe class by their reaction towards other animals.

And Y/n kept petting it and doesn't stop. They look at each other with strange look. 

Me: Um, Y/n? You know you need to eat them, right?

Y/n: Do I have too?

Me: *sigh* Y/n, don't worry. Nothing's gonna happened to them. It just part of a movie.

Y/n: *sigh* Okay...

Me: Great! Now people! Let's take two!


Scp-106:*sigh* I wondered what we're here for?

Scp-049: Probably, a another new Sc-AHHHHH! He slipped on some liquid on the set, making him fall and his friends are helping him to see if they're okay.

Me: How many times do I have to explain people? No drinks on set when we're rolling!

Scp-035: Doc, are you alright?

Scp-049: *groans* I'm okay but my head keeps banging inside.


Y/n: Hm, interesting but kinda strange because all you guy's features are actually unique.

Then everyone look at Able while he just stood in confusion.

Able: Wait, is it my turn?

Iris and Y/n started snickering with laughter as Cain held his head to his hand and groan in frustration. 

Cain: Brother, we've been over this a million times, after when Y/n says their part, it's your turn to say " Really? I just thought that humans saw me as death trap."

Able: Then how the hell do I suppose to know?!

Iris: *wheezes* I can't! can't deal with this! Then she continues to laugh.


Y/n peeked their head out and noticed that a few Scps were broken free. 'Hmm, I guess this is the containment breach that they were talking abou-

Their head slam by the metal door and their nose were bleeding.

Me: Oh, jeez! Are you alright, Y/n?

Y/n: I'm fine, I'm fine but I think my nose is broken.

Me: I swear something's up with these doors. 682, can you please take Y/n to infirmary.

Scp-682: Okay! Come on, N/n. (N/n = Nickname)


As the Scps are continuing with the war, 053 founds a remote and just stood there, trying to think what they're suppose to do.

Scp-053: Uh....What's my line again?

I laughed and so, did the others. 

Me: You're supposed to push the buttons on it, sweetie.

Scp-053: Oh, okay!

I leaned to the camera man and whisper "I can't get upset to this little one." and he agrees with me.


Without any hesitation, Y/n immediately ran to hug their father but instead they kneed him in the groin. 

Y/n: Oh, my god! Father, I'm so sorry about this! I can get a little two excited when it comes to a scene like this!

Y/F/N: No, no! It's okay, it's part of the act.

Me: Um, could someone give him an ice pack?


Scp-682: And what I've been keeping in for a long time is...I-

"And IIIIII~ will always love yyyyyyyou~"

Y/n: I'm guessing that's what you're supposed to say next?

Scp-682: Yes *chuckles*

Me: Frank! We've talked about this! Turn off your ringtone when we're rolling!


Y/S/N: What was this?

Scp-049: "What was this?"

Everyone laughed as Y/S/N just realized what they just said.

Y/S/N: Wait! Wait! Retake! Retake! I did mean to say that!

Scp-106: "What was this?" OH! That crack me up!


Scp-166: I've been around-

*Insert Loud Banging Noises* 

Scp-166: Um, excuse me? Well, you please take that noises down a bit? 

Scp-4975: Y-You've got me in the set, right?


The egg begins to crack and everyone looks at it in suspension but when it hatch, the only thing that came out is a plushie of the dragon. 

Y/n: What the- Where's my child? Wait a second...

They turned around and saw their sliding holding their child in their hands. 

Y/n: HEY! Give me back child!

They turned around to look back at them then immediately crash through the set with the others chasing them.

Me: Um...maybe let's take a break and regroup.

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