Capture/Scp Foundation

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It was morning and the scientists heard about the dragon rumor from Dr. Lily and the other guards. Turns out that Jason wasn't  the only who witnessed that encounter, a about three people have encounter Y/n and have been through the same fate as Jason.

???: So, you're saying that there's a real life dragon out in the forest?

Dr. Lily: Yes, just the like the hikers said. What are we gonna do about it?

???: Bring the guards  to interact with it in order to capture.

Dr Lily understood and call the guards to [Your location] and take the into their facility. Meanwhile, Y/n's awake and was looking through the pictures from last night and was quite interested in it, especially the reptilian creature. After they looked over the drawings, they decided to take a hike around forest and usually hunt something down and it their meal. Although, there's one thing that Y/n don't know about is that they're being watched. Dr. Lily and a couple of guards with tranquilizer darts was watching Y/n and waiting for the perfect time to take the shot. 

Dr Lily: Remember, we need the beast alive. So, we can secure them and discover their features and power.

Guard #1: Um, ma'am? Look.

They point at Y/n walking towards an sleeping mammal then kneeled down to it and started to petting ever so softly.

Dr. Lily: I guess it's a safe class by their reaction towards other animals.

Suddenly, Y/n started to devour the poor animal whole. The scene was so brutal even that I can't describe it. The scientist and the guards was at shocked at the scene and stood there in silence. After that moment, Y/n stood there like Scp-173. Everyone got confused then started to walk towards them. They observe their features and textures. Their scales are very hard, they have a bright E/c on their face and F/c fire mark on their face.

Dr. Lily: The features on this thing are incredible and this at symbol must have means something.

Y/n: It means to get out of my face, you idiot.

 The guards are already started to point guns at the dragon, seemingly threatening them but Y/n doesn't show any fear.

Y/n: You really think that those toy guns is gonna scare me. I'm like bulletproof with my scales.

Guard #2: Oh really? Let's test it out!

Dr Lily: Wait, don't shoot!

But unfortunately, the guards didn't listen to her then shoot Y/n. They quickly cover themselves in a thermal force field, making the bullets to melt before they even touch their skin. Then they show off their claws and starts slashing up half of the team. Then Dr. Lily brought her dart gun, carefully point it towards them then shoot to their neck. Suddenly, Y/n roar loudly by the pain. Then eventually, they blackout but they land on one of the guards. They carefully place Y/n in the back of the truck and drove off. In the middle of the drive, Y/n slowly wake up and see that they're in chains and also, the Dr. Lily is across from them, holding a clipboard.

Y/n: Oh, what do you humans want from me?

Dr. Lily: We don't mean any harm. We just wanted to study about you. Learn how you work.

Y/n: When you say that you don't mean "harm", you literally just shot me with sleeping dart.

Dr. Lily: You was eating half of our team.

Y/n: Ok, scratch that. Where you take me? And who are you people?

Dr. Lily: We are a secret foundation for searching and containing strange phenomenons from around the world. And we them SCP's. Stands for "Secure, Contain, and Protect."

Then that's when it hit Y/n. They remember that have a book about that symbol with all others strange creatures. Y/n was thinking that those phenomenons being lock up and being cast away from the outside world. Ok, so what if they always kill people and eat their organs but it's their nature. Suddenly, white light pierced in their eyes then felt a tug on their neck. As Y/n went into a giant iron facility, they felt a bunch of eyes watching them like crazy. They look around the place and was hearing all sorts of noises from cells of the Scps. Then Y/n saw humans in orange jumpsuits backing up to the wall with frightened expressions when they saw Y/n. They were taken to what look like interview room. Y/n changed themselves into a human but leaving their tail, scales, horns, and their eyes are fiery E/c before they sat down on their seat. They waited there a couple of minutes, not long until they were greeted by Dr. Lily and a other scientist. 

???: Hello Dragon, we have a few questions to ask you. 

Y/n: And I a few of mine for you humans. Mostly, who are you? 

Dr. Bright: I'm Dr. Bright, the head scientist of this foundation and this is my assistant, Dr. Lily. And I assume that you have met her before. 

Y/n: Yes, we had a chat about this place.

Dr. Lily: Anyways, how did you avoid all those bullets?

Y/n: I cover my entire body with a thermal force field, causing them to melt before they could even touch me.

They started to take down some notes and continuing ask them questions like their habits, their will to survive, their powers. But there's no question that refuse to answer...

Dr. Bright: Ok, Y/n, we have one more question for you. 

Y/n: *sigh* What is it so we can get this over with.

Dr. Lily: Why did you have any family before you were discovered?

Suddenly, Y/n started to have flashbacks of humans killing their mother from a few years ago when they were still young. Then they quietly sob, having tears dripping from their face and the two scientists noticed and quickly changes the subject.

Dr. Lily: Speaking of which, do you want to meet the Scps?

Y/n: T-The Scps?

Dr. Lily: Mhm, so what do you say?

Y/n thought about it then accepted to meet them. As they were walking down the hallways, Y/n is secretly excited in the inside.

Scp foundation x Dragon! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now