ONE !!

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another late night game ended, the sox lost 6-9, tae and bobby walked down to the clubhouse silently. "good game guys, we'll get them tomorrow night" tae said in a positive tone to the guys walking down the tunnel, she earned some nods and yeah's but mostly they were all bummed, once she got to her office, she slid her camera in her camera bag, the apartment she stayed in currently held her, bobby, dugie, and xander, it was a nice sized place so it wasn't crammed. but somedays, living with all boys was tiring. "ready to go home, boys?" tae asked with a smile on her face when she saw all three guys walk up to her, she noticed the sad expressions on their faces, she frowned but they all nodded as an answer to her question and they began leaving fenway. "hey tae, i was thinking maybe we can all go grab a coffee or whatever and then go home?" xander suggested while he walked next to the petite girl, she nodded looking up at the taller boy with curly hair. once everyone got to the truck, they piled in, bobby sat in the drivers seat, tae called shotgun, which meant alex and bogey got the back. as soon as bobby started driving, tae plugged her phone into the aux and played last train home by john mayer, her and bobby sang along while bogey and dugie talked about the game and how alex's newborn was. 

bobby pulled into the drive thru and ordered them coffee's and hot chocolates, tae offered to pay but he shoved her money away and paid himself, "i got it" he said with a smile as he handed the person working at the window his credit card, she frowned and slouched into her seat which earned laughs from the boys.

once they all got their drinks, bobby started to drive to their apartment building, he parked in the parking garage and they all got out, collecting their things including their bags and drinks. "so tomorrow night, you guys have to win for me" tae said with a cheeky smile, they all chuckled at her, "if i play" bobby said slightly bummed, tae frowned but nudged him. "you will, i believe you will" she said with a smile which earned a smile from bob. when they got up to the apartment, they dropped their stuff and plopped themselves down on the couches and drank the rest of their drinks and watched fever pitch.

towards 1 am, tae decided to go to bed, she stumbled across the living room and down the hallway of hers and bobby's rooms, she pushed open her door then shut it behind her. she threw her hoodie off and grabbed a pair of soft shorts and a tank top, including undergarments as well, she walked into her personal bathroom and started the shower. she turned the knob so it was warm but not burning hot, once it was warm enough she took her clothes off and her hair down then stepped into the shower and closed the curtain behind her. once the warm water hit her skin, she immediately felt relaxed, her bones ached from running around for the past week with the team, this was the night she could take to relax and gain full strength back. tae put a good amount of shampoo in the palm of her hand then rubbed it into her scalp, she then stood right under the water and rinsed it all out, after she was done washing her hair she stood there for a moment before washing her body with her vanilla and mango scented scrub. after she was done, she turned the knob the opposite way and turned the water off, she reached out for a towel, she wrapped it around her body then walked out of the shower and dried herself and her hair off then put her clothes on. tae took her time to blow dry her hair then put it up in a messy bun, once she was all finished she walked back out into her bedroom and sat down on her window seat and picked up her guitar and strummed the chords to whoever's in new england.

bobby knocked on her door softly and she rested her guitar against the wall and got up and opened the door, he looked up from his feet with a soft smile across his face. "hey" he said softly as he walked into her room, she followed him and sat on the end of her bed, "hey, you okay?" she asked as he sat down next to her, he remained quiet for a few moments until she spoke. "bob? whats wrong?" she asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder, "i'm just worried.... i'm worried i'm not enough for the team anymore." he said quietly with his head hung low, tae sighed softly as she looked at him, "bobby, you are enough for the team. they just don't see it, but i do, i watch every move you make when you're playing. yeah mistakes get made but its a part of learning, you're not going to be amazing every single game, you're a rookie! it's okay to make mistakes" she said softly as she rubbed his back, he nodded and looked at her, "thank you, tae. i really needed that, no one talks to me very much, they're in a rush to leave when we're done playing. i just need someone to talk to about all of this, it scares me and makes me really anxious" he explained to her, she nodded in response. "i totally get that, and you can always come to me, ill listen no matter what. even if its 3 in the morning, wake me up and we can talk about it. you're my best friend bobby, i want you to be happy and successful" she said, bobby smiled and hugged her, it was quite a long hug which gave her little butterflies in her stomach, he felt the same ones but tried not to make it obvious that he was a little flustered. "okay, you should get some sleep. thank you again for listening" he said as he pulled away from the hug, she nodded and smiled at him, "anytime, goodnight" tae said softly before he left her room. tae plugged her phone in then crawled into bed, she shut her lights off and put her spotify playlist on her tv, she didn't put it too loud but loud enough it would soothe and put her to sleep, she laid there with her body wrapped around her body pillow, she picked her phone up and looked at her phone lockscreen which was a picture of her and bobby, he had his set as a similar one to hers so they'd match, they hadn't changed them since may of this year, and it made her happy. she set her phone down and rolled over, eventually falling asleep.

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