An Announcement

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Hey everyone! It's me! This isn't a new chapter yet, I've just got some stuff to say. I'm really sorry, but I hope I can write one soon!

I know I told you all I was back from hiatus, and believe me, I was planning on it, but so much has been going on. It's not all good, but it's not all bad. But, I've had a LOT on my plate, and it's been stressing me out a lot. I'm back at school now so stress levels will probably only continue to rise. I'm doing okay though, so no one worry about anything at all.

I wanted to write you all a little something, as I know I haven't updated in such a long time. Typically I post announcements like this under my announcements bird but I really wanted everyone to see this. First of all, this story is NOT cancelled! I know I'm really slow at updating, and I know how frustrating it is when you're reading a good story that updates slow. But I really want to write something that I'm happy with and something that you'll all be happy with, and that means taking my time, especially since I have so little free time to begin with. I'm sure some of you (if not most of you) are sick of hearing the same sort of thing from me, but I still think it's important to try and keep you in the loop! :)

I read the comments that you guys give me and the messages that you send, and they always make me smile so much! It's such a nice feeling to see people enjoying something that you are just doing for fun. Hope you all know that you're all so appreciated! And to those of you who don't leave comments or don't have accounts, you're all so appreciated too! Thanks so much for reading this far. :) Thanks for being so incredibly patient with me and so kind when I tell you that I need some time to update!

For those of you wondering, I don't think I'll ever cancel this story. Yes, it may take me a while to write and edit and rewrite, but I like to think of this story as a little piece of me, a capsule that I'll unbury thirty years from now and look back on. I don't want to leave things unfinished or half done. So I fully intend on writing some more!

Anyways, you all are wonderful :) I'll see you around the internet and you'll be sure to hear from me again (somewhat) soon!

TLDR: This story is not cancelled and I love you all <3

With love,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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