Chapter 1

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Kayla p.o.v

"Kayla get your lazy ass out of bed you have an interview!!" Mia my best friend yelled. I and Mia have been friends since we were in dampers. Our parents were best friends so we spend much of the time together so that just made us best friends and sisters we may not be blood but I consider her my sister. We did everything together we even went to the same college and now we bought our own apartment it might be small but it's better than nothing. Sitting up in my bed and turning to her ready to murder her for waking me up. Grabbing my phone off my nightstand and checking the time to see it's 5:00 am!!.

"What the hell it's 5:00 am in the morning why did you wake me up so early even an hour before my alarm!?" I yelled ready to chock her to death her reply even made me want to beat her ass even more

"Well I have to get to work before six and I wanted you to make my breakfast for me plus you have your interview and you take forever to get ready"

"What do I look like your maid go make yourself breakfast lazy ass," I said laying back in my bed ready to sleep "come on please just this one time," she said begging I know that she is giving me her I know you can't say no eyes good thing I turn my back to her are I would have made her breakfast by now "no that's what you always say" it's true she always says that or I'm going to learn how to cook one day so I don't have to ask you. Did she even try? yes but almost burn down our apartment."fine Kay be that way I'm just going to do it my self" I heard her yelled before leaving my room. Remembering the awful smell of smokes I jumped out of my bed

"Okay fine I will cook don't burn our apartment down" yelled from the doorway hearing a quick hurry up I headed out the door. Finishing making breakfast and checking the watch to see it's 6:00 am saying goodbye to Mia I hurrying into my room for the interview that's start around 8:30 am finishing finding my outfit and rushing into my bathroom

30 minutes later

After my shower, I walk to my bed with my favorite pink fluffy towel around my body taking up my outfit afterward putting it on ready to comb my black curly hair that I got from my mother side into a tight bun getting my shoes on ready to leave not before checking my watch on my hand to see it's 7:00 am right on time because it takes one hour to get from here to wright enterprise. The wright enterprise is one of the biggest companies in the city that is own by Ryan Wright nobody doesn't even know him or have seen his face. Anyone would kill to get a job there well I'm lucky to even land an interview there. Heading out of my apartment not before locking it up calling a Uber that comes in no time

" Where too?" Said the really cute Uber driver

"The wright enterprise"

"Alright hold in there we will be there in no time," saying a quick okay the ride was quiet so I got bored and start playing games till I got there

"Alright we're here" saying a thank you and paying the driver and got out to be met with a huge building the hugest building I have ever seen walking in and heading to reception place cause I don't wanna get lost in this huge ass building walking up to the front desk to a lady with brown hair and blue eyes when she sees me she gave me a big bright smile and said

"Hello, how many I help you?" After telling her where I wanted to go she told me she seems nice I even got her name, it's Tish.
Heading to where she told me, I was then met with so many women sitting. I hurried over to an empty chair and took a seat looking at these women with makeup caked on their faces left me to wonder if they finish their makeup on there face this morning. Or did they come for an interview?. Sitting down nervous as hell with my sweaty hand seeing girls coming out crying or angry got me even more nervous my nerves got worst when I heard yelling.

Is it too late to leave? I thought getting ready to chicken out when I heard "Kayla Brown your next"

Oh shit fuck my life I thought

Hope you like the first chapter this is my first ever book and first time writing so please bear with me and my mistakes until next time😉🥰😍

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