Chapter 27: Let's get married...again

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Once I'd set every thing up I grabbed a bottle of water and poured it over the guy. He slowly started to wake up and once he noticed he was tied up he started to panic a bit.

"I'd stop pulling on those if I were you. The more you struggle the tighter the rope becomes. So let's just rip the bandaid off. Obviously your target was my brother. Normally I'd never get in the way of another persons job but I love my brother so I couldn't let you kill him, now could I? I hope you understand. Now if you want to leave this room you'll tell me who hired you."

"I don't know. I got a call, I agreed, and they sent me his info. That's it."

fucking armature's

"Okay. Do you know who he is?" I asked pointing at Elijah.

"No! Should I? Should I have asked for more money?"

"That depend. How much are you supposed to get?" I asked

"$50 grand"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Elijah spat out angrily. "I'm Elijah fucking James. That's just insulting. Not even a million?"

"Even I know someone of your status is worth 75 million just as a finders fee and an easy 150  million to finish the job"

"I don't like how you just happen to know how much it cost to kill me off the top of your head." Elijah said narrowing his eyes at King. I watched them as I knew King was only going to make it worse.

"Relax. I may have considered it once or twice. I didn't so you're welcome." He said shrugging

I couldn't help but laugh. Like I said those two are comical. Getting back on track I walk closer to grab the mans phone and gun then redial the last call before putting it on speaker. I point the gun at him then mouth "Don't fuck this up"

"Is it done? Hello?" a familiar voice ask followed by another voice in the background

I look at my brother and realized he also recognized the voice. He holds out his hand so I hand him the phone

"You really thought you could kill me...for $50 thousand? I'm Elijah James, motherfucker! I gave both of you a second chance and let you live. But I guess you both forgot who I am. Count your fucking days because I'm coming for you." and with that he threw the phone into the wall breaking it in the process.

"Was that Emilio De La Cruz?" King asked

"Yeah and fucking Sophia Espinoza. Get Taz and Bryson in here now! I want this shit handled before the sun rises."

"There! You have what you needed so I get to leave right? That was the deal" the fake ass hitman cried.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Have some dignity. This isn't a line of work for the weak. I've never been caught by one of my targets but even if I did I'd just let them kill me before I cry like a bitch about it. I grab a plastic bag then walked over to him but stand behind him. I smirk at the guys before speaking

"Yeah. Deals a deal." I lean next to his ear whisper "Unfortunately I never said you could leave alive."

I place the bag over his head and held it as he struggled to breathe. This was always one of my favorite ways to deal with people. The struggle they go through was actually funny to me. Once he finally stopped moving I let him go and watch as his body slumps in the chair.

"And to think everyone thinks you're the sane one" My brother said smirking at me.

"Okay, so what the fuck was that about?" King asked looking at us.

"Isn't it obvious? He wasn't sent to kill him. He was sent to kidnap him. I'm gonna assumed that was Sophia's doing."

"I need to call Sia. Hopefully she's still in the city"

He walks away to make the call just as someone knocks on the door. King pulls out his actual gun and goes to open it. After checking the peep hole he says it's "just the idiots" and in walks Taz and Bryson.

"So what is the problem. E, said I needed to grab the kid and my laptop immediately"

I point to the man in the chair and explain what's been going on. Taz then grabs his laptop and starts tapping away at it. My brother finally comes back and he looks even more pissed than before. Once again there's a knock at the door so he goes to answer it but to all of our surprise there stood Mia and Kay. 

And Mia looked fucking furious...

And Mia looked fucking furious

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Eli's POV

"Baby...what are you doing here? I thought it was bad luc-"

"Cut the bullshit, Eli! Sia called me to make sure I was okay. Which is weird seeing as if something was wrong I'd assume my husband would've been the first to call me, right?"

"Yeah but..."

"No! Now tell us what the hell is going on"

"I don't want you getting involved, Mia."

"You don't want me getting involved? Well guess what. The day we said 'I do' made me involved for the rest of our lives. You don't get to run off into some war without me. I told you the night before our wedding in Italy. I'll go wherever you do. Even if that means death, Eli. Now stop wasting time and tell me what's going on."

God this woman is so perfect

"I love you so fucking much, Mia. Sorry I didn't call."

We explain what's going on Mia looks angrier than I originally was. She starts to pace back and forth then just stopped when I got a text from Sia.

"Alright what did Sia say?"

"She was heading back to Mexico but was a able to track down her sister. Apparently she's in Italy."

"Then it looks like we're going back to Italy" Kay said clapping her hands

"What about the wedding?" I asked looking at Mia

"Fuck the wedding. This is the last time one of these bitches ruins something for us. We're already married and we can just say we eloped last night. We're leaving right now and to finish this shit. I made the mistake of letting the Ari shit go and we all know how that went.
KarriLynn let's go grab our stuff. "I won't be so forgiving this time." She said as she headed to the door. Before walking out the door she turned back to us. "By the way...none of you are to touch Sophia...she's mine!"

I knew she'd be the perfect queen...
Damn it.
I really wish I had time to fuck her before we leave

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