"He's just bent on spoiling my fun. I understand. You are excused." Spoke Danny, I looked at the frustration on his face and moved closer to the edge of the bed.

"I guess we better get a move on" he huffed.


He stood up and I eyed my unfinished food, picking up my unfinished piece of bread with egg and nibbled on it. I refused to look in his direction, not knowing if he was waiting on me or just eating standing up.

"You eat slow. If you're not hungry Maya, we should be going" he stated. I guess my hesitant eating can seem like I'm not hungry, but I am.

"I am hungry" I quietly told him, taking a bigger bite. I peaked up at him, he had finished the majority of the food on his plate, his blue eyes looking down at me. I looked back at my plate, watching the yolk slowly drip from the bread onto my plate.

My fingers sticky with the dripping yolk. I rose my shoulders and sunk into myself, feeling his gaze now. Feeling more and more like a rabbit in a field, eating some grass while a hawk comes in unknowingly to the rabbit for the kill.

"I'm not going to take your food from you Maya. Stop being so defensive. Just finish it while I get changed" stated Danny, his tone not aggressive but condescending.

I took another bite, listening as he left the room. I finished the bread and stared down at the next one. Despite my hunger, I found myself not wanting it, the thought making me queasy.

I placed the plate onto the bed and picked up a cup and filled it with water, the cold liquid flooding my body.

The door called to me, unsure whether I really wanted to risk getting lost to escape, or to just go to toilet. Honestly if I'm quick he might not notice I left the room and he'll let me go home.

Foolish thoughts, but they still made me smile a little. I stood easily and approached the door, pushing it gently, almost surprised as it actually moved. Though it's heavy I managed to push it open most of the way and moved for the toilet.

I'll be quick, he'll hardly notice I'm gone.

The toilet though fancy, was more made for maids to quickly use if they need to while working, then for royals. It's clean and simple, a mirror over the sink and a toilet in the middle.

I finished up and washed my hands. I opened the door and began to walk across the hall.

"What are you doing?" Danny's accusatory voice broke the silence. I held my breath and looked over to him. Slowly backing into my room, hidden behind the door, I took a deep breath, preparing my confidence to explain myself.

"Don't walk away. I didn't say you were allowed to leave" he said once more, despite the lack of anger in his voice, I still tensed and moved back to sit on the bed. As a little girl, I would hide from imaginary monsters and nightmares under the blankets, I almost want to do that now.

Calm voices can be just as, if not more terrifying then angry ones.

He stood in the doorway now, watching me with crossed arms, I can't meet his eyes.

"I was going toilet" I told him, finally looking him in the eyes. His gaze steady.

"Though I guess you haven't gone for a while, you should have waited to ask." He pointed out, why should I ask to go toilet? It's not like I'm doing anything to be excused from, I'm just in a bedroom. I'm not a child to be scolded for doing something normal.

"But I came straight back to the room" I mumbled, I don't want to get into anymore trouble. It's his fault for not making rules clear. Atleast Chloe got straight to the point when she was trying to put rules in place.

The Possessive Royalty And Their CatOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant