Nova 09ㄖ Assertion of a Child and a Child

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Strauss had wore his finest smile while seated beside Leonard's desk, being him who have finished the give away Vocaloid requested by Leonard.

The bearded man lifted the box, inspecting the quality of the packaging. "So Strauss.."


".... this is the Vocaloid that you have worked for three days then?"

Strauss bowed his head a little. "Yes sir, indeed."

Leonard stroked down his beard slowly with a keen look at the label. "Is this a girl or a boy, Strauss?" then he looked to Strauss. "It looks like a boy in a girl's outfit."

"I- It is a boy Sir.."

"May I know how did you came up with this concept of this...." then Leonard looked again to read the Vocaloid's name. ".... Uta-ta-ne Pi-ko - was that how you read that - because as far as I can remember, all of the existing Vocaloids were females right?"

"Yes, Sir Leonard." He said, playing with hands down. "I- I came to that concept because I want to showcase also that Vocaloid can also have a male version. I am aware Sir that I am indeed made female ones and I thought that I could prove to them that a Vocaloid like Piko could please the public."

"And for the name?"

He started to look at the right when he was caught off-guard. "I need an alibi.... Think Strauss, think...." then he remembered something back at his house.

Leonard placed the box at the side of his desk, above piles of papers and contracts. "Is there any problems Strauss?"

He cleared his throat. "Nothing.. Sir.." then he gave an explanation. "I came to his name of him based on three words. Henna, Tatoo, and Peco."

Leonard mumbled. "That's quite a weird origin for a name.."

"Indeed Sir.. Maybe I carried some weirdness when I was in Japan." Strauss said, Leonard making a brief laugh.

"When you get there, you'll never be the same again." Leonard said.

Then Isabela came in at the office, holding a folder. She looked at Leonard. "Sir Leo, the staff needs you right now."

Leonard looked at Strauss. "I guess you can have your break for a while. I need to go somewhere.. I'll call you when I returned here."

"Understood." He said, standing up from his seat.

Strauss made a short bow and heads for the door. Isabela then came close to Leonard. "Sir Leo, is it here already?"

"I have it already. Please let's proceed now." Leonard said, picking the box.

ㄖ ㄖ ㄖ
‡‡ Networld, GUMI Mainframe ‡‡

Gumi was looking onto a file that she had intercepted days ago. Her suspicion about the Networld breakdown made her more vigilant to scan, connect, and check all the files and data that runs across all networks and devices across Europe. She knew that if she cannot contain it or even the suspect slipped off her domain, things would be a little harder for the succeeding years.

"Data breakdown.. Initiate!" Gumi commanded.

The suspected file was stripped off until to its tiniest pixel and Gumi made a thorough inspection of the file. Looking closer and seeing the content and the origin, she made a short smile of disgust.

"Another porno file again huh?" then she placed her hands at her back. "Those perverts, they never learn...." then she whisphered the command, "File execution ..delete."

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