"Thank you your majesty."

Marley spoke as she turned to face Demitri and the other two.

Demitri frowned a little at her words.

"Please Marley, when we're alone, call us by our names,"

Marley turned her head to the side, angling her attention onto Demitri, before facing her head back to the ground.

"But that would be improper your majesty, you are of higher status,"

Heather frowned at her, she looked down at Marley who was kneeling on the ground, Heather stood a couple of feet away from her, out of Marleys line of sight.

Her eyes dark with emotion unknown to Marley.

"And what about princess Ambree, do you call her by her name?"

Marleys hands tensed into a small fist.

Her thoughts replaying the words spoken only hours before.

They were mates

But she wasn't good enough

If Marley was unable to save her family, then she wouldn't be good enough, to keep the three queens safe.

She needed them to see that they were better, and more superior.

Marley hated the idea of rejection but it would be her best way of keeping the three safe.

In the short amount of time she'd known them Marley became to realise her feelings.

And she was afraid.

Afraid to fail again.

Afraid to lose those who she found dear to her.

Afraid to be alone again.

She didn't want that to happen, not again she wasn't sure she could live through that pain again.

She wanted desperately to be with the three
To feel love



But what if she couldn't protect them.

She didn't want to lose them.

Marley closed her eyes trying to get her thoughts away and clear her mind.


Lea's concerned voice could be heard and Marley opened her eyes.
She looked up slowly and as Lea, a hand on her shoulder, she was crouched in front of her.

"Are you alright, you spaced out after Heather asked that question,"

"I'm alright just thinking, what was your question?"

Marley asked looking at Heather.
Heather sighed a little, her worry for Marley growing increasingly and her patience to not be with Marley fully was running thin.

"I asked if you called Ambree by her name,"

Marley suddenly remembered the conversation that they were previously having and remembered Demitri's request.

"I do your majesty, but Ambree has my full trust, and I have hers. Therefore we see each other as equals."

Marleys response caused slight jealousy so soar through the three especially Heather whose wolf was angered that her mate did not know how much the three trusted her.

"Then how do we get your trust?"

Heather asked her voice now calm and quieter then before.
Marley looked up again her emotions rising high and causing her doubt.

"Ambree knew the story of my family, she comforted me, I have only felt real happiness with her after my family....left,"

The three gazed down at Marley with sorrowful looks.

Their hearts aching for their hurt mate.

"Does she know more then what was written?"

Lea asked, her voice also calm. Marley nodded, the world knew that the dragons were killed but there was so much more then that.

More that involved Marley.

More that Ambree knew.

Heather was the first to react,
Her patience had run out.

She couldn't stand it anymore.

Marley needed to understand.

Understand just how important she was to them.

She kneeled down in front of Marley her dress covering her body as she lowered down.

Marley noticed Heather in front of her she looked up and opened her mouth to ask what the queen was doing but before she was able to speak Heather reacted first.

She leaned forward

Eyes locked with Marleys

Her mind now clear with what she had to do

She put her arms up

Put her body forward and

Hugged her....

Heather wrapped her body around Marleys.
Her arms warping themselves protectively around Marley.

Her hold tight and firm but not enough to harm Marley though enough for her to feel secure.

Heathers body was warm.
Her skin was smooth and soft similar to Marleys, the only difference was the color.

Heather closed her eyes as she rested her head in Marleys shoulder and put her hand on the back of Marleys head, pulling her impossibly closer.

"I promise from now on, we will keep you safe, you will be loved and you will be happy, I will do anything to gain your trust, if I have to fight a thousand wars for you so be it."

She moved so she was now looking at Marley,
And she put her hands on her checks softly caressing her face.

"We promise to love you,"

Aww that's cute ❤️❤️❤️
Lol that was fun and sad to write.
Let me know what y'all think so far if there's anything I should change or add let me know I'm open to any idea!
~Grace B

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