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"can you guys hear me?" chase asked. "yeah we can hear you chase." hamzah replied "it's good to be back how you guys doing?"

"im doing good" claire said. "hi dr crowhurst," chase waved his hand. " well hello lady's and gents, nice to see you again.

" we are grateful for you being here today with us." hamzah told dr crowhurst. " it's a pleasure to help, if i, at all can." he replied.

"yeah" they giggled. " awkward silence" claire said. " uhm, i don't know if you heard but we did have a little of a fall out, we honestly have been trying to make efforts to get back together and find what we most love about each other. we tried that last time and it honestly didn't go that well. so you know we need your help" hamzah explained.

"yeah" everyone agreed. "i'm glad i can help. i did see a little bit on the web about what happened to the gang. i didn't really understand the details of it bu-"

" oh i can tell you i can tell you" chase interrupted. " it sounds like something blew up" dr crowhurst went on.

" yeah, it sure did blow up mr crowhurst" claire said. " do you ever have people who don't want to be friends with you, because they don't benefit from anything anymore?" chase asked dr crowhurst.

"uhhh" " so yeah that's what chase did to us" haley interrupted. claire agreed. " he stopped being friends with us, because we uh, weren't getting him anything anymore, like to his standards" claire said.

chases mouth went wide open. " so what made y'all come back together to repair and restore. to like recover your friendship?" dr crowhurst asked. " me " haley said. claire giggled.

" it was me" haley said again while putting up a heart with her hands.

" basically if you don't mind i might say a few bad words, but haley was being a little bitch" "no i was not." haley interrupted. " she literally was being fake to me and hamzah the whole entire time after we stopped being friends with chase. and the whole time she was being best friends with chase" claire explained.

" no that's a lie, that's not even true!" haley told everyone. " what are you showing chase, why are you showing us your hands??" hamzah asked.

" I GOT ENGAGED, WHAT?" chase yelled while showing everyone his ring.hamzah sighed while everyone laughed.


" yeah i got engaged." chase repeated. "whattt?? even dr crowhurst is laughing at you...." claire laughed. "oh no but you don't fucking know... what she looks like" chase gave everyone a annoyed face.

chase shows a face of a girl on her phone.


i joined to the zoom quickly with weston and kalynn. "uhh it looks like somebody's joined us" dr crowhurst says.

"hellooooo???" me and weston said " t shirt party!" weston laughed. "we're here for the party!!!!!" i said.

me, kalynn and weston did dances while screaming. " what's up guysss???" i giggled.
" it says 'i'm really high right now, im unfollowing claire on instagram and i hate six peat' " everyone went silent.

" yeah! i thought this was a party..?" i said. "this is a unfollow claire party" dr crowhurst laughed.

"why are you unfollowing me????" claire asked confused. " i- it's a party???" weston exclaimed while stuttering. " oh! this is therapy... we're having therapy... " haley told us.

" okay.. i didn't mean to bust your... session.. we were having a good time but i guess not" i said. " no because we were making some actual progress...." hamzah told us. claire agreed.

" but you came over here throwing mean words around. you came to our therapy stream and said you were unfollowing claire. " haley said.

" i also heard you calling me a bitch when you joined..." claire told weston. chases mouth went wide open. " it was a joke! it was a party!!!" kalynn said protecting weston.

" that's me sipping my tea!" chase told everyone while drinking water. " it's fine i guess..." claire rolled her eyes. " it's fine just do what you want i guess..."

" dr crowhurst you can keep asking your questions..." chase explained. " you know this got to be the first therapy session, that's uh ever been crashed before.."

" i don't know what's happening dr crowhurst... this was a accident..." i said all sad. "yeah we're sorry.." kaylnn said " mhm we got the wrong invitation or something.." weston told them.

" yeah, some kind of wire was crossed.. uh yeah.." dr crowhurst was definitely confused. " yeah. uh i sent the invite" chase laughed.

" ah" " cuz usually these things go boring because.. all they do is talk talk talk. haley and claire, talk talk talk." chase said.

" chase i never get to talk, because you're always interrupting me." haley told him. i gasped. " and i oop... girl..." i said.

" they got some real problems going on..." kalynn laughed. " so far it looks like fences haven't been mended " dr crowhurst explained.

" so we've been told that some people said that claire's a bitch, and some people think that chase is selfish-"

" okay but whenever i said i didnt want to do it anymore they were like 'oh let's not be friends anymore.." "wow..." hamzah gasped.

" i'm sorry we added gabriella, weston and kalynn way too early.. uh they're just gonna have to sit there for a minute and then yeah. sorry dr crowhurst" chase cried.

" it's alright" "i've never seen them before, do you know who they are?" hamzah asked.

" i just talked to tommyinnit he said gimme a god damn minute.. anyways keep on going"
i just stood there thinking that he didn't say anything about me. it was probably because he didn't know me too well??

" it was a song he made.. weston made the song... and the girl gabriella69, who always dyed her goddamn hair and got famous for it..." chase explained.

everyone gasped. " bitch?!?" i yelled. chase rolled his eyes.

i got real ducking
tired writing this i have to
take a break😕😕😕
i'll update like
idk later help
just gimme time bro😢😢

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